Ch. 12

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"I....have to go to Magcon again but-"

"But what?" I didn't want him to go again.

"You can come with me!"

"Seriously!?" I couldn't believe what I just heard.

"Yeah, we leave in a couple of days. I already got your ticket to make sure I sit right next to bae."

"I'm just going to ignore the fact that you just called me bae because I'm too excited right now." I could here Matt's famously adorable laugh on the other end.

"I'll see you tomorrow Cece."

"I'm going to go pack now, love ya." I started to go through my closet packing what I thought I would need.

Basically meaning I packed half of my closet.

Once I felt like I had everything, I plugged in my phone and laid back down in bed.

The next morning I woke up and felt excited when I remembered everything from last night.

Walking into my closet pulling out my high waisted acid wash shorts, white tank top, and denim vest.

I put on my light makeup and grabbed my white converse as I walked downstairs.

Matt was waiting for me downstairs in my living room.

"Hey hot stuff." I winked at him.

"Hey, ready to go?"

"Yeah, let's go." We walked out the door and headed to Matt's car.

"So what are we doing?"

"I was just going to drive to the mall and we can just walk around." We walked into the mall and I literally had to drag Matt into Victoria's Secret.

"Matt it's just for a second."


"You're in here with your girlfriend. No ones going to make fun of you."

"Fine." Matt trailed behind me while I looked around.

We walked around the mall going in and out of stores but eventually my inner food monster took lead and we ended up in the food court.

Matt ordered while I went to find a table. I was on my phone while I waited for Matt.

After Matt grabbed the order he came over and I immediately grabbed the food.

"I love you so much right now babe."

"You just said that because I brought you food."

"True but that doesn't mean I don't love you." I leaned over the table and pecked his lips.

"So are you excited for Magcon."

"Yeah I can't wait. Where are we going anyway?"

"Oh you know just a little town called LA."

"I have always wanted to go to LA! I'm even more excited now."

Matt drove me back home. I gave him a little kiss on the check before leaving.

I walked upstairs to my room thinking this was going to be a good week.

I woke up early in the morning for the flight. I was only going to the airport so I didn't dress up too much.

Matt's mom was picking me up and I waited for Matt to come.

Soon I heard the doorbell and opened it to Matt. We sat in the back seat of the car.

"So what are you going to do when we get there?"

"Probably go to the beach or go to the different piers. I don't really know yet."

"We'll defiantly have fun while we're there."

His mom dropped us off at the airport. We went through all the tiresome security before getting to our gate. We had about an hour until are plane left.

I had to get some Starbucks while we waited

Eventually are plane was called and we walked through the tunnel thing to board the plane.

Luckily I got the window seat and Matt sat in the middle seat.

Looking out the window I saw the peaceful clouds and started to feel sleepy.

Matt played with the ends of my hair as I fell asleep on his shoulder.


Sorry I took so long and it's a little short.

I was super busy this week. I'll try to do a double update.

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