2~hello hawkins

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So this obviously is gonna have mikes pov in it...I probably won't ever do the IT Mikes pov but if I ever do or if I'm ever talking about him and st mike at the same time from now on I'll say Mike H  or Mikey for ITs mike and just Mike for stranger things Mike lmao

Richies POV:
I got to the train station. I bought the ticket I was told to buy and got to my seat. It takes awhile to get from Maine to Indiana. I have to take two different trains. I was sitting there looking at my stuff.
The losers had given me a goodbye gift. I wanted to open it immediately but I also didn't wanna start crying again so I waited a bit. I wish they could go with me or I could just stay I thought.
I eventually opened the gift. It was a picture of me and all the losers in a wooden picture frame that was signed by all of them. I smile and start to get teary again. Then I saw that there was also a little box.
I opened it up. It had a ton of little bandaids in it.
I smile knowing eds had to be the one to do that.

Mikes POV
I woke up early and excited. A week ago I found out I would be meeting Richie. About two years ago I found out about having a twin brother who lives with my real dad. I've wanted to meet him, or talk to him for forever but my mom said no because she wasn't in touch with my dad. But a week ago she had gotten a call from child services saying her ex, my dad was giving up his son. She had "first dibs" you could say on Richie. So she immediately filed for custody.
So today, I was meeting my long lost twin.  
Richie Tozier.
Tozier is weird because my last name is Wheeler.
But that's because of my step dad Ted. I had to take his last name. I spent my whole day cleaning up the house with my mom and Nancy. Dad wasn't helping, well Ted. I'm still so used to Ted being dad, even though I found out otherwise a long time ago.
I was helping my mom with everything I could, mostly cleaning my room. I was very excited, everyone was. I kept texting the party about this.
They've known everything about my life since forever, I tell them everything. So they know about this whole situation. Everyone was excited about this but, also skeptical. No one knows what Richie is like.
I'm already thinking about when I'll tell Richie about the whole mess of things that's happened the past couple years. With the monsters and shit.
The party knows I have to tell him eventually but they don't really want me to tell him anytime soon.
I think it should be up to Eleven and Will, I mean Eleven has powers and Wills the one who got possessed multiple times. But man speaking of Will and Eleven, that's some confusion for me.
Eleven is my ex...we broke up for good at the beginning of the summer. Luckily things weren't awkward for long. Me, Will, Dustin, Lucas, Max, and Eleven are still a close friend group. But Will, well I might have a slight crush on him. I'm confused though. I haven't even told anyone about me maybe liking him, no one even knows that I'm Bi.


My family has been trying to make this the most comfortable place for Richie but it's hard. We don't know what he likes and dislikes or anything.We put another bed in my room because we had to share a room. I hope we get along well, I've always wanted a brother. He looks just like me, I've seen so many pictures from when we were babies.


Me and my mom were sitting in the kitchen because she was making lunch and I was taking a break from cleaning my pretty messy room that I wanted to be spotless before Richie arrived.

"Now mike remember..." my mom starts.


"Richie was never told about you, he only knows about Nancy, Holly, me and Ted."

"I knowwww It's a surprise." I said excitedly.

Yeah apparently Richie wasn't told about me, it wasn't shown in the papers or something and his dad never told him. So we have no idea how Richie is gonna react to me.

Richies POV

I finally arrived. The train rides together took about seven hours, but I slept through some of it.
(A/n: I know 7 hours isn't realistic but just bare with me...I didn't want it to be the actual drive cuz that would be like fucking 17 hours)
I got off the train and walked onto the ground of Indiana, Hawkins to be exact. I walked a bit to get to the address of my new house. I arrived and it looked pretty nice from the outside. The yard looked nice and the house was big. My dads house was small and old and dirty, and the lawn and yard were unkept.
I walked up and knocked. My mom answered with warm smile. She let me in and then hugged me which was awkward.
I looked around. It was amazing. It was nice and big, super clean and just looked perfect. My mom  took my bags.

"Richie I've missed you so much."

I just smiled a big, awkward, scared smile.

"This is your step dad Ted" She said pointing to the man laying on a recliner. He waved and smiled. I waved back, again awkwardly.

"Your step sister Holly is over on the ground playing with her toys."

I look over and smile at the toddler playing with blocks on the floor. Then a teen girl came down.
I knew it had to be Nancy. She walked over and waved.

"Wow." was all she said with a huge smile on her face.

"And there's one more person to introduce to you." My mom said.

I look at her confused.

"But the papers said this was it, and so did my dad."

"I know but, the papers were wrong and you're dad is. Well he's not truthful."

"Michael." My mom yelled up the stairs.
Then a boy came running downstairs.

He was wearing jeans and a striped sweater. But then I looked up at him.He had the same face as I did.

oop sorry this sucks
much love

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