34~before you go

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Richies pov

Well I told the losers that I had to move to Indiana for good. It was...interesting They all thought I was bullshitting them. But once they found out I was for real everyone started to get teary and it was an emotional mess. I mean Stan, Bill and eds already knew about it but they still were crying. It was pretty bad. I called my brother Mike and told him everything and talked to my mom so now I'm coming home to Indiana soon. It was currently 10pm on a Friday, I was leaving to come back to Indiana on Sunday. Its complicated but basically...I only get to come to Derry every once in awhile for visits. And obviously not for months at a time. Which that's just great. And my mom said there's so much explaining and discussing to do when I get back "home".

I just don't wanna do this. I mean I have my twin and my moms pretty great and I have an okay step dad and Nancy is pretty cool and my little sister is...cute? But I still find it so lonely in Indiana. I'll tell you I'm always a lot more sad to leave Derry than Hawkins. I love my losers and I wish I could just stay with them...or at least keep doing what i'm doing...being here every couple months and what not. But anyways I only had two more nights in Derry. Tonight we were all having a sleepover at Bills. Tomorrow I would be staying with Bev and Eds and then back to Indiana on Monday. Eddies situation is almost all good...his aunt is looking for places in Derry. I'm very happy for him. But I wish I could stick around to be with him through it.
I mean at least Mikes excited to see me and have me back but I'm not too excited or happy about this. The losers decided to just try to get me and each other to stay happy.    
"C-cmon guys its already ten...L-Le-L...f-fuck...lets enjoy t-tonight." Bill says, stuttering like crazy.     

Bills stutter has been getting better, but it still gets really bad when hes nervous or upset...right now is one of those times. Stan smiles a bit...or at least tries to. He puts an arm around Bill and looks at him comforting, then gives a small agreeing, "Yeah."

No one suspects anything of Bill and Stan because we all hug and comfort each other all the time. But me and Eddie know somethings going on with them so we slowly turn to each other, then turn back to Bill and Stan and start laughing. They both turn pretty red.                                                 

"Wh-what?" Bill says trying to act confused but I think he knows we know something has to be going on between them. Stan gives us a dirty look.                                                  Everyone else looks at us four confused.                   

"Nothing." all four of us say at the same time but in different tones. Everyone shrugs it off. Man I can't wait for the day those two come out and start "officially dating" so me and eds can go on a double date with them.                                                     

"Okaaaay." Bev says pushing off this awkward
moment between me, Eddie, Bill, and Stan.

"What do you wanna do Rich?" She says with a smile.

I give off a confused look, I never pick what we do.      Its always Stan and Eddie because they're the most picky, I love them both though and so does everyone else so no one minds.                                                         

"Oh I don't care we can do whatever."

"Oh stop Richie you pick." Eddie says.

"Yeah...I hate to say it, but who knows the next time you'll be able to come down next, lets do what you wanna do." Mike says.

Yeah exactly" Ben says softly. I think a bit.

"Okay what about truth or dare? Remember thats the first thing we did at our first sleepover in middle school." I say with a little laugh.                                                                                                                       

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