18~holy shit

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a couple weeks later, late november

Richies POV

Its an average Friday, we had the day off of school so me and Mike took the opportunity to sleep in. We had just had breakfast which was just pop tarts because, well our mom wasn't home and we weren't gonna cook. We're sitting in our room talking and watching tv when I get a message from Dustin surprisingly.


Dustin: hey any chance you can hang? We haven't just us in a while

Mike was looking at my phone over my shoulder.

"You should go, I've got things to do anyways." He said and smiled.

"Okay, but like what?"

"Well, talking with Will." He answered.

"Oh about what?"

"It's complicated..." he explained.

I just nodded and shot Dustin a text saying I could hang.


Mikes POV

I walk to Wills. I feel so bad.I knock on his door and he lets me in.He looks so happy.I walked in and it was instantly awkward.He sat down on his bed and I sat on his desk chair.

"So what's up?" He asked smiling.

"I'm gonna just say it...I don't think this me and you thing is gonna work out right now. I mean yeah we kissed and we've snuck around a couple times but until we're okay with being open I think we should hold off."

"Oh...okay" he said.

"You're not that upset?"

"I've been thinking and I think it would be good as well. I mean I've been going through a lot mentally and my family is having some issues too so I think it would be best if I work on myself for awhile." he explained.

I nodded and smiled a little.

"But can I ask if there's any other reason?" He asked.

"Oh well I think it's not the right time for me and things were kinda awkward between us and all that and um.." I cleared my voice.

"And yeah." I finished.

"Mike, what's the other reason...you can tell me." he said.

"Okay, well those all were actual reasons but, the biggest reason is I feel that I have unfinished business with-" I started.

"Eleven?" He finished.

I nodded.We stood up.

"Would it be inappropriate to give you a hug right now?"

He laughed and shook his head. I have him a hug and then went home, feeling a little relieved.

Richies POV

Me and Dustin spent the whole day at the arcade and movie theater. Dustin was looking off today but I didn't really want to ask, I mean Mike says everyone acts a little off around this time of year because of what happened with Will, even though that was a while ago. Dustin rode home and then I came back to my house. I went up to my room and Mike was there.

"So how'd it go?"

"It went fine." he said but in a sad voice.

"Are you sure, you seem upset.."

"Yeah, just really tired." he replied.

I knew he was lying and that something was wrong but I didn't wanna push it. It was about 4:45 so I decided to hop in the shower because I was disgusting.


It was around 5:30 and I was FaceTiming all the losers on our group chat.
"And He was so cute." Bev added to the story the losers were telling me. Ben and Bill rolled their eyes and me and the rest laughed. I heard the door open downstairs. It was my mom coming home from work.

"Pizza!" She yelled up the stairs.

I heard Nancy walk down the stairs and Mike start to get up, he was listening to music through his headphones.

"Alright guys, my moms home with dinner so I'll talk to you all later." I said.

Everyone said goodbye and I hung up


We were finishing up dinner and everyone started to leave the table including me, until my mom stopped me and asked if I could stay a few minutes.I sat back down at the table.

"I have to talk to you about something." she said.
I nodded.

"This isn't gonna be easy for me to say." She starts.
I stay silent and just give her a confused look.

"It mate freak you out, you may have some mixed feelings okay?" She says.

I nod getting a little more worried.

"It's about your father." She starts.

My face goes blank, my heart pounds, I start to sweat, my eyes go wide.

My father? what could this be about

"You're father he's better, he went to rehab and is no longer an alcoholic, He's more responsible now, he uh even has a job." My mom says.

I look up at her, still terrified.

"So what?" I say.

"So Richie if you want to move back to Maine with you're dad you can."
Holy shit

lololol why do I suck at writing >:(

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