26~Mike I gotta go

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bit of a time jump to let's say march. 11 am

Richies POV
I wake up in my house. Dads house.
I'm going back to Indiana in a couple days.
I'm sort of sad. I'm gonna miss everyone. It's always sad to leave Derry. No offense to Mike or my family in Indiana but leaving Indiana is exciting most of the time because I'm about to see the losers. Don't get me wrong I love Indiana, if I didn't then I would've moved back to Derry full time. I just love seeing my friends. Anyways today was just a chill day. Eddie was spending a day with his Aunt Nicole because she had come up and everyone else was chilling. I was up until like four in the morning watching On my block so I was exhausted and didn't want to really do anything. I lazily got up, changed my clothes into more comfy clothes, splash my face with water and go right back into my bed and of course I have to text everyone. Starting with the group chat that blew up.
Everyone was asking to hang out.Mike and Bev were gonna hang out.Bill and Stan were gonna hang out.
Ben was busy with his family and of course Eddie was with Nicole. I texted them back quick saying maybe I'll meet up later. Then went to Eddie



Eds: Hey richie I just woke up.
I'm sure you were up late last night but I just woke up and I'm about to spend some time with Nicole as you know. Hope you slept well, text me when you wake up :)

Me: aw morning eds. Yep I was up all night.
Sorry to just reply but you know me I sleep pretty late, actually I'm surprised I'm up rn. I usually wake up at like 2. Anyways hi:)

Eds: hii

Me: watcha doin

Eds: about to watch a movie actually

Me: hm okay eddo I won't keep you distracted I know how much you can get caught up in talking to me. Text ya later cutie ❤️

Eds: okay richie ❤️

I go to open my last chats with Mike, my brother Mike.

Twin bro 😳💅

Twin bro: hey rich! Some crazy stuff has happened. as you know me and Will have been talking talking and stuff and I think I'm gonna ask him out soon, but so much more has happened oh my god! Good things no worries. Well actually there's some odd things. Just text me back, ima be pretty busy today. Me and the party are hitting up the arcade then going to watch a movie. But we definitely have to FaceTime later

Me: okay okay mike. I really have nothing to do today so call me whenever.

I put my phone down and go downstairs to see my dad made food. We talked for a little bit over breakfast/Lunch. After that we watched some Tv and then I went upstairs. I just chilled out. Listened to some music and stuff. I played a little guitar but failed. All of the sudden it was four o clock. I heard a knock at my door then my dad getting up. He then yelled up to me saying it was for me.I run downstairs and I see Bill there. But no Stan. I motion him to come in and he follows me upstairs.

"Hey Bill what are you doing here and where's Stan?"

"He w-went h-home, um r-r-richie I'm n-not, I'm n-not okay." he said, he was stuttering worse than usual.

"What's wrong Bill?"

"I know w-we never t-talk about it b-but, It's t-the whole thing with p-pen p-penny, the clown." he says.

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