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Thursday (the day richie goes to visit derry)

Eddies POV
Me and the losers were too excited. We were finally seeing Richie. It had only been a little bit since he moved but it felt like too long. We were all preparing to see him.Richie is going to be staying at Bills house for the few days he was gonna be here.


"W-wow Eddie, this is th-the most happy I've seen you in awh-while." Bill says to me as we were walking out of school.

I smile and nod, "I miss him a lot."

Bill nods in agreement.

"H-he's been answering everyone l-lately so that's good." Bill says.

I nod.Me and Bill continue out the school to meet with the other losers and bike home.

Richies POV

I was so excited. I was leaving for Derry soon.
I would be leaving after school.
I also get to miss school tomorrow and Monday which I was not upset about at all.I can't wait.
But, what am I supposed to do?
Do I hug eds?
I don't know, we've hugged before but I'm not sure. Do I kiss him? no that's too soon. I found my self pacing around my room.

"Calm down richie!" Mike says annoyed.

"It's hard Mike! I'm seeing my boyfriend, My boyfriend, I haven't always been his boyfriend!"

"You annoy me a lot." He said and rolled his eyes.

I laughed, "Well, I am your brother, isn't that what their supposed to do?"

He scoffed, "How am I supposed to know, I've never had a brother before you." Mike exclaimed.


I was going to be arriving in Derry soon
I was so excited. The losers agreed to meet behind the train station when I got off.


I finally got off the train. I was gonna see the losers.
I stood at the back of the station until I saw them coming. It was the greatest feeling ever.
All the losers looked so happy. I then saw Bill nudge Eddie a bit for him to come up to me first.
I ran up to him first so quick he couldn't even acknowledge me yet. I hugged him and since he's shorter than me I was practically holding him, he finally wrapped his arms around mine and we embraced for what seemed like forever but only for a few seconds. Eddie finally let go and smiled back at me with teary eyes. I was crying, wow when do I not cry lately.

I brushed my fingers through his hair,
"I can't believe I'm here."

Mocking me he ruffled my dark messy hair, "Yeah I can't believe your here."

"Richard!" Bev yelled and pulled me over to her.
She gave me a huge hug. I went around hugging everyone.

"Guys I missed you a lot." I started. 

"But not as much as your mom misses me after last night." I said winking at Eddie.

Everyone laughed, Eddie rolled his eyes but then he
giggled. That cute, little giggle of his. After a few minutes, it started to rain a bit so we all headed off to Bills house.


Eddies POV

We got to Bills house and his parents greeted us.
"Richie, hi we've missed you!" Bills mom said sweetly to Rich.

Richie nodded and waved. We then all headed upstairs. Bev ran into Bills room first. We all walked in after her and she decided to make a cute scene.

"ALL THE WAY FROM HAWKINS INDIANA..RICHIE TRASHMOUTH TOIZER!" She yells like a game show host. We all laugh.

"So Rich tell us, how does it feel being apart of two friend groups?" Bev then says pretending like she's holding a microphone.

"What do you mean two friend groups?" I ask.

"Th-The party" Bill says.

I look at them confused.

"How do you guys know about the party?" I ask.
"It's all over your brother Mikes snapchat." Ben says.

"You guys have my brother on snap?" I ask laughing.
They all nod.


"We found him." Stan says and shrugs.

I look at them confused and laugh.

"Well I'm not really apart of the party, I mean you guys are my only friend group, I'm a loser, not a party member, and besides I don't really fit in with them." I explain.

They all nod. Awhile later we decide to put on a movie. Me and eds sit on the floor.
I hesitantly put his arm around him.
He giggled and put his head on his shoulder. I got really shaky and scared.

"Gosh, rich calm down your acting like I'm gonna murder you" he says laughing.

"Who knows."

He rolled his eyes and smiled.

whoops this is bad 😔🤚
much love

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