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Mikes POV

I woke up bright and early.
It's Halloween, the best holiday. Last year me and the party had cool costumes, this year we're being the office characters, I can't believe how low we sunk with that idea, but it was Dustin's turn to decide so you know what? I can't complain. I dragged myself up to get ready and start my day to meet the Party.

Richies POV

I woke up, on Bills floor because Eddie fell asleep and I let him use the air mattress Bill set up because I didn't wanna seem like an a jerky boyfriend. Anyways he woke up a little after I did while I was watching tv, some of the losers were downstairs already getting breakfast

"Oh hey eds."

He looked at me and smiled.

"You could of taken this, I would've slept on the floor." He said in a quiet voice as he just woke up.

"No, it's okay you were to peaceful."

"Uh Richie." he said in a concerned voice.

I looked at him in a confused voice on why he was freaking out.

"Today his halloween." he says.

I smiled, "Yeah pretty exciting huh?"

"No, What are we doing for our costumes?!" He exclaimed.

Oh boy, I didn't think of that

"Uh oh."

We both looked at each other and started dying laughing. We couldn't stop, what was even so funny?

"What are we gonna do?" Eddie asked laughing still.

We looked at the tv which was playing a thrift store ad, I gasped. We both looked at each other.

"Thrift store costumes." We said at the same time.
The laughter started again.

Eddies POV

Me and Richie got up and went outside, it was a little cold out. We walked up to the Derry thrift store, only a few other people were there. Me and Richie looked at every place in the store. Somehow we ended up finding costumes, let's just say we found great things at the thrift store.

Wills POV

So today was interesting. Mike was acting really weird today. Fidgety almost. We were at my house, we weren't going trick or treating for hours so we were just hanging out. I wanted to talk to him so when we met up with the party I trailed behind with him.

"Hey Mike."

"H-hi" He said kind of, weirdly.

"Are you okay? You've been acting strange today."

"Oh um could I tell you the truth?" He said.

"of course, you can tell me anything." I gave him a concerned smile.

He nodded and almost started but looked around at all the people close to us. He looked to a far distance and saw Dustin and Lucas in front of us. He stopped his bike and I stopped mine. I dropped mine and followed him into the woods.

"Hey what's going on?" Dustin yells from way in front of us, stopping his bike. Lucas did the same.

"I just have to call Richie, Wills gonna stay with me we'll meet you at the arcade!" Mike yells up to them.

We were supposed to be going to the arcade to meet with the girls. I was so confused on what was happening. I assumed it was something to do with Richie or something but, soon after we were by ourselves he said, "Sorry I just didn't want them you know, thinking something was wrong."

I nodded still very confused.We went a little farther into the woods.

"Whats going on?" I finally ask now that we were alone.

"I-I couldn't talk to you with people around." he said.


Mike didn't say anything.

"What's wrong I'm confused."

"So why I've been so weird is because I'm really scared for tonight." he said with worry in his voice.

I asked him why and he told me this,
"Well, every year around this time something awful happens. I mean either it's with our friend group or something with you or El, I'm scared something crazy is going to happen again because it always does, and I'm worried about you."

That was a lot to process, I wasn't expecting it. What do I say? I moved closer to Mike.

"Well, don't worry about it, I'll be fine."

"And don't worry about El, I'm sure she'll be fine too, and our friend group should be fine as well I mean everything is steady and has been for awhile." I smiled. He nodded.

"Thanks Will." He says, and I give him a big smile.

"Um now what?"

I was looking down at my shoes and when I didn't hear a response I looked up. Staring into Mikes eyes I knew something was going to happen.

Mikes POV

Honestly I didn't know what was going on.
I told Will how I was feeling and then it got super awkward. I didn't know what to do, and for some reason I felt the need to lean in and kiss him.
What am I thinking? I thought to myself, I was gonna pull off but surprisingly he kissed back for a quick second. I didn't know what to do. I quickly covered my mouth and panicked.

"Holy shit I'm so sorry Will!"

He stared at me in shock.

"Don't b-be sorry, you're f-fine." He managed.

I backed up.

"What?" I yelled.

"What? you're fine it's fine..." He said.

I stood there and stared at him.

"Well what does this mean do you..." Will started to ask.

"Do I like you?"

I nodded slowly,
"I mean, yeah I think so, I don't know I guess I'm confused." I said.

He didn't say anything.

"Do you like me?" I asked back.

"Uh yes?" He replied.

"Maybe we shouldn't tell people about this."

He nodded.
Wow was this a day already.

Richies POV

It was around 4 o'clock  so me and Eddie decided to get ready with Bill and Stan. I had no idea where anyone else was. Eddie came out of the bathroom looking just perfect.

"Aww eds you look adorable!"

He rolled his eyes and smiled, "Shut up Richie."

A went over and put my arm around him, "Mmm...how bout no?"

He laughed and shoved me away.

"You know sometimes I wonder why I love you so much." He said with a giggle.

I gasped in fake upsetness. We started laughing.

Mikes POV

Me and the party were now out and it was getting dark. Will was practically glued to my side...it was nice? Max and Lucas were all over each other and Dustin and Eleven were having a great time on their own. I mean this is Els first halloween with her friends. Halloween was a success.

Hey guys sorry for the weird short ending That was rlly bad
I hope you like byler
much love

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