28~uh oh, back again

626 21 28

!Before you read!:
Hey guys. I just wanted to say thank you so much for 20k reads! Thank you all so much for sticking with this story through the inconsistency. I remember being so excited when I hit 100 reads, then it somehow turned into 1k and now holy shit we're at 20k!  Love you all so much.
Again couldn't thank you all enough.
And a big thanks to my best friend @lovely_wolfhxrd for all the motivation and everything for this story and overall encouraging me to keep it going!
Now I actually really like this chapter and I'm rlly proud of it so enjoy cuz I sure enjoyed writing it!

Mikes POV

It's been a day since everything went down with Richie insisting we come to Maine. So we all packed our things. It's a pretty long trip but we've done it before, but we all end up arriving at Derry. All of us.
Me, Will, Dustin, Lucas, El, and Max.
We're all pretty nervous and confused.
Especially Will because he's always the target of things. Always. Everyone just tries to reassure everyone. We get to Beverlys house and knock on the door.Her aunt answers.

"Oh you all must be the friends from Indiana, oh boy that's a lot of kids." she starts.

Then Beverly comes and greets us,
"It's okay they'll only be here for a couple days." She reassures her aunt.

Her aunt nods in a still worried way. I mean that is a lot of kids that she doesn't even know on top of the losers that are there like 24/7.


We all follow Beverly down to the basement where all the losers are sitting.

"Hey Mike-" Richie says getting excited to see me but I shut that shit down.

"No Richie, no hey Mike! What the hell is going on?"

"Keep it down, my aunt doesn't know anything's going on." Beverly says to me.

I nod in guilt forgetting about that.

"Don't yell at me." Richie says.

I laugh and roll my eyes.

"Don't yell at you? Richie you FaceTimed me two days ago then hung up and the next time I heard from you you said I had to come down here with my friends because there's some clown shit trying to kill us! So don't tell me not to yell at you! God you're such an idiot sometimes!" I lash at him.

"Okay okay I deserved that, Bev can you explain what's going on please." Richie says.

I roll my eyes and Beverly nods. Then she explains the story of it...and what happened and how it came back to me and the party.

Richies POV

After Bev explains everything to Mike and everyone they just sit there in shock, we all discuss it.

"So how do we kill it?" Lucas asks.

"B-by s-sticking t-to-" Bill starts but he can't even get it out. He's too sensitive to this shit. He sighs and gives up so Stan hops in.

"We have to kill it just like we'd kill anything else, but we have to stick together, and we also have to stay as calm as possible, It feeds off fear." he explains.

They all nod acting like they don't believe it but they do at the same time.

"We have to shrink it down to size...and basically destroy its heart.." Ben says.

We all nod. Then Eleven huddles the party in a circle saying something. Me and the losers all look at each other confused. I see mike nod. Then they get out of the circle.

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