16~bad blood in Derry

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Okay so ima be switching it up today and going back to Derry ;p. So it will probably be eddies POV the whole time or at least most of the time.

Eddies POV

I was having a pretty rough day, I still had to go to school and I just wanted to cry. So as soon as school was out I went home and texted Richie

Richie ❤️🥰

Me: hey Richie

Richie: hi edsssss

Me: omg not my name

Richie: ilyt eds

Me: okay then

Richie: hehe

Me: 🖕

Richie: oh stopppp

Me: okay well anyways I miss you

Richie: already?

Me: the hell?

Richie: I'm kidding, I miss you to Eddie ❤️

Me: omg fuck, my mom wants me

Richie: it's alright, call me when you can

Me: You got it ❤️

Richie: ❤️❤️❤️

After my text session with Richie I go downstairs to see what my mom wants. She just wanted to make sure I was okay or something I guess, but I shrug it off. I'm supposed to go to Bevs later tonight.
I told my mom that me and Ben were just gonna study for a test we have tomorrow. So I decided I was gonna take a nap then go straight to her house when I woke up.


I walk up the street almost at Bevs house when I remember I need to call Richie. I call him and start talking to him as I walk in. She runs up to give me a hug and notices me on the phone. She rolls her eyes but then says,
"Is that Tozier?"

I nod my head laughing as she grabs the phone from me. They pass my phone around all talking to Richie. Once they're all done we sit down and just relax.
After a while Bev says that the losers need to talk to me about something.
Bev starts her long talk,
"See Eddie, we're all glad you and Richie are dating, but it's kind of getting in the way I mean for the first few months you would barely even hang out with us because you were sad, then you just always called him, and the whole time he was visiting he was just hanging out with you."

I tense up and get nervous. I wasn't expecting this.
I barely knew what to say.

"What? W-where's all this coming from?"

"We've all been feeling this. I mean if you could just think about us a little more, we miss Richie as much as you." she continues.

"I do think about you guys." I try say more but tears run down my face. I got so overwhelmed that I ran out the door.

Bills POV

After Eddie starts crying out I feel upset, But also angry at everyone for this stupid "talk" I see Eddie run out the door. I get up and tell everyone how I feel,
"I-I didn't like this p-plan in the first p-place."

Everyone looks at me confused.

"I-I didn't feel this way, and Eddie doesn't d-deserve this, he's our f-friend and w-we don't know what h-he could be going through." I continue.

"So I'm going a-after h-him." I say defending Eddie.

"Bill just stay he'll come back and be fine." Stan says grabbing my hand.

"No Stan, he'll come back but not fine! None of you understand him like I do so I'm going." I yell without even stuttering.

Then I run out and catch up to Eddie. He was sitting on a bench close by. The November wind hit my face.
I sit down next to Eddie.


He just looked down.

"Y-you can talk t-to me, I-I don't feel the same, I d-didn't want to mention a-anything."

"Really?" He asked wiping a tear.

"Cuz, I thought you were mad at me too, and you usually understand me so I was worried." He finished. I put my arm around him.

"I didn't mean to cause anything, I just got really excited about seeing Richie." he said frowning again.

"Was I being selfish?" he asked with a scared look on his face, he hates to know he hurt his friends.
I shook my head quickly.

"N-no, they s-should understand, y-yeah we all m-miss Rich as much as y-you fo but it's different for you, and at l-least we all got to s-see him, it shouldn't m-matter that you s-saw him the most. Besides even if you w-weren't dating you would probably b-be the one he spent the most t-time with because you two are best friends."

A little smile grew on his face.

"So you're not mad at all right?" He asked.

"No, t-t-the other losers are just being c-cranky assholes to b-be honest."

He laughed a little.

"Thanks Bill, now I'm gonna go in there and say how I feel." Eddie says confidently.

"Yea!" I respond smiling.

"But could you back me up if I need it?" He asks.

I laugh and nod.

"Oh and could I call Richie first?" he asked.

"Of course."

"Could you stay tho?" He asks.
I laugh, "jeez anything else?"

He laughs at my comment.We call Richie and I put him on speaker phone so we could all talk.
I explain everything


"Well jeez, looks like there's bad blood in Derry." Richie says.

"Now tell them how you guys feel, and if they don't listen then put me on the phone." he continues.

We laugh.

"Well, love you big Bill, love you edssss, but in a different way, by the way I just winked while I said that." Richie says

Eddie laughs, I follow.

"Shut up Richie, but we love you too, byeeee." Eddie says while hanging up. We laugh then get up to go straighten things out with the losers.

Ayeee I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter, I honestly am kinda proud of it? but now really at the same time cuz it's kinda sucky, but like idk lmao
much love

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