20~seven kids

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Richies POV

It's Thursday night, I'm packing my bag for Derry.
I leave tomorrow morning and come back mid day Monday which is good because I get to miss school. I'm packing my clothes and all that as I look over to Mikes bed. It's around 9:00pm. Usually I would be listening to music on my bed and drowning out the world and all my problems, and Mike would be laughing at some book he's reading that I would find extremely boring, but I'm packing my bag to go to my home town to decide if I'm moving back and Mike is so sad at that fact that I might move back that he couldn't even stay here tonight. He stayed with Dustin, Lucas, and Will. Which I can assume was awkward with Will but better than watching me pack my stuff. I sigh as I throw my bag on the floor then plop on my bed. I set my alarm for the morning and drift off to sleep.


I wake up to my loud alarm and groan at the noise.
I get out of bed and think about getting ready.
I decide to just quickly brush my teeth and hair and grab my stuff. I run downstairs to see my mom getting ready for work.

"Hey mom."

"Hey." she says handing me the money for the train.


I look over at Nancy who's up surprisingly early.
My mom leaves the kitchen so it's just me and Nancy.

"You in a rush?" She asks me.

I shake my head, "not really I still have a little bit I just wanted to be a little early."

"Well can I talk to you?" she asked

"Sure." I replied quietly sitting down.

She sighs a bit,
"I've only spent a few months with my new brother, and we haven't bonded at all if I'm being honest, but you're family and I love you, I just wish things were different when you and Mike were born, obviously I was there when you guys were born, I saw two babies but it never got explained to me until a few years back, but anyways what I wanted to say was that I support you in whatever you decide, if you stay here I would love to talk more, if you move back to Derry I still want to talk, text me whenever and I'll be so happy when you come back to visit just know that I'm always here." she said ending her talk with teary eyes.

I was so touched by her talk I barely knew what to say.

"I-" I started to try and say something.

Nancy looks at the clock.

"You should get going." she says

I smile and nod still not saying anything.I grab my bag and walk out the door. I start walking towards the train station thinking deep about what Nancy said. I think it's definitely helping me with my decision making.

Eddies POV

I woke up super excited because Richie is coming to Derry today. I still have to go to school, but at least he'll be at Bevs when we all get out. We decided we'll bike over to meet him. Bev stayed home to get Rich settled in. None of the other losers including me were allowed to skip, Stan even tried to fake being sick just for the hell of it but that didn't work. Anyways I'm sad Richie only has a couple days but at least I get to see him, I haven't in about a month.
After getting ready I walk outside to feel the cold almost winter breeze. I grab my cold bike handled, hop on and peddled off to Bills house, from there we would bike to the gas station near our school to meet Ben Mike and Stan. I pull up to Bills house and he's already outside which is unusual because he's usually late but we're all happy today to see our fellow loser. He's only visited once, and it was only for a couple days and again this visit will only be for a couple days so we wanna make the best of it. We're all pretty excited.

Bill smiles, "You excited for after school?"

"Of course I am!"

Bill laughs a little as we bike off.


Bevs POV

I got to sleep in today which was great for me.
It was about 8am which was honestly a lot for me because usually I wake up between 5, 6, and 7. I did my normal routine just later than usual. My aunt was being super amazing about the whole situation.
She's always liked Richie.


It's about 11 and I'm still waiting, he would be here any moment. I'm excited because I mean, It's Richie, he's one of my best friends, but also nervous because I know what this trip is gonna come down to.
All of the sudden after I've been lost in my thoughts for awhile I hear a knock on my door. I run downstairs and open it to see Richie standing there.
A little taller a little older but still Richie. I run up and give him a big hug. We talk for a little and hug and laugh but eventually we're sitting down having drinks and the topic comes up.

"So Rich-"

"I know, I know." he says throwing his hands up.

"I seriously don't know, I mean I talked to my sister and she helped by saying some really touching family things but I still don't know I really don't." he finishes.

I nod and he sighs.

"Well, What are we doing about the sleeping and staying situation, the losers don't know your gonna have to see your dad a lot this weekend, I mean it's gonna be hard keeping it from them, they're all gonna think your staying at my house the whole weekend and there gonna wanna all stay over too like the good old days." 

"I have no idea Bev, I guess for tonight we'll just say I wanna settle in and not be partying all night so no sleepovers, I'll just hang out with everyone til late then everyone will leave and then I'll go over to my dads."


Finally the losers got out of school. They were all texting Bev that they were on there way home.
I sit waiting for them then I see them all trail in.
Mike, Ben, Stan, Bill, And Eddie.

Hey so, surprise surprise this sucks ass!
I rlly love writing but I feel like my books actual shit
much love

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