25~I like you a lot

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Richies pov, December 29th

Christmas was very different. My dad got me some pretty cool stuff. I mean like three hoodies, and some other cool things. We actually had all three meals which we never do. We never have a Christmas really. Which is why I usually spend christmas with Bev or by myself in my room. Overall Christmas was fun but odd. I was supposed to be going back to indiana like the day after new years but i ended up calling my mom and we agreed i could stay an extra week. Since the holidays have been crazy and I want to spend a little extra time with my dad and friends.

I've called my mom, Mike, Nancy, step dad, and Holly every night. Of course most of the talking is just my mom, Mike and Nancy. I get the vibe that Ted could care less about talking to me and Holly of course doesnt say anything really, shes confused because to her its like having two of Mike around. I dont think she understands that I'm Richie. Of course I've been keeping in touch with the losers. I havent seen them since before Christmas but of course I get to see them for new years. We do every year. Its always in Bevs basement. Usually Eddie has to leave after midnight because of his mom. Some years Eddie has even had to go home before midnight. And when we were little he had to leave at 10. But apparently his aunt got his mom to let him sleep over, so this year he's allowed to stay the night for the first time like ever.

Eddies POV

Christmas went pretty well. We had some good food and I got some cool things. My aunt Nicole got me some things I actually wanted. My mom got me some medicine holders and another back up inhaler.
I'm just excited to see everyone again for New year's eve. Everybody's excited that I get to stay the night for once. Of course I've had sleepovers before. My mom likes Stan, I've had the most sleepovers with him. And Ben too, but when it comes to all of the losers, I think I only have a sleepover with all of them when I lie about where I'm going and who's gonna be there. My mom hates me going out for new years. She thinks my friends will make me drink or smoke or some weird shit. Shes crazy, they would never pressure me to do anything, and even if they did I wouldn't cave in. I hate that stuff, but she doesn't trust me. She also doesn't like me to stay up late. She wants me to get a good 8 hours of sleep every night. That never happens. I think the only reason I'm allowed to go and stay the night this year is because of my aunt Nicole. She's really good at convincing my mom to let me do stuff. If I'm being honest I hate my mom. She's rude and over protective, she verbally abuses me, she's homophobic and hates my friends. Like I said She likes Stan and Ben the most. She hates Bev, calls her a slut for hanging out with only boys. She doesn't like Mike, Says he's odd because he's homeschooled and doesn't trust him one bit. She used to like Bill, but after georgies death she thinks he's weird.
And richie.
She hates richie.
She's heard a lot about Richie. I mean he's not the best in school. He does bad things. He sneaks out and skips school and all that, but I've been friends with him since kindergarten. Me, Richie, Stan and Bill all met in kindergarten. My mom used to like Rich, she saw how much I liked him and thought he was nice, but then saw that even since kindergarten he hasn't been the brightest kid and of course she found out about his dad and all that and thinks he's a bad kid. She thinks he's gonna take after his dad.
Even after explaining that Richies dad changed and he lives with his mom half time in Indiana now, she still hates him the most and she's always worried I'm gonna like like richie, which of course I do but I could never tell her. She's terrified of me being gay, but I've known I'm gay since like the sixth grade, and I love Richie and would never want to lose him. I've always dreamt of living with my aunt Nicole.
She lives in New hamshire.
Not too far away, but she always said if something happened to my mom she would take me and find an apartment in Maine. I hope I can do that someday.


Bevs POV

I'm at my house setting up for the party. I'm so excited that everyone gets to come this year
We obviously have the couch and Tv, but I also have a big bean bag chair I brought down there. I'm gonna guess Richie and Eddie will be taking that. I also brought a couple air mattresses down and a bunch of blankets and pillows. I brought down a couple of movies to watch. Comedy movies.
We always like to watch comedy for new years.
This is also the first new year since um the Pennybitch incident so scary stuff has been off the table for awhile. It's weird, no one likes to talk about that incident. We talked about it for a few days after it happened, everyone was still so confused and scared I mean we could've died, some of us almost did.
But since then we don't speak about it.
We don't want to. I push that stuff out of my head and continue to set stuff up.
My aunt comes down with some snacks she bought for us and puts them on the table down here. I thank her and she goes back upstairs. She's hanging out with her friend tonight but she'll be back around 1 or 2am. She trusts me anyways. I Set the snacks up. Good thing there's a lot cuz you know everyone's gonna be here this year and well theres Richie who always eats like a maniac. I also pull the sheets off of the ping pong and pool table so we can play that and of course I have board games set out so we can play any of those. It's about 4 o clock and everyone should be getting here around six.
Tonights gonna be a good night.
And Richie gets to stay an extra week before going back to Indiana, apparently his dad asked if he wanted to stay an extra few days and he said yes.
I can't wait for tonight.

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