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small time skip to like october near halloween :)

Richies POV

Halloween is in a few days and I want to spend it with the losers more than anything, especially Eddie.
Every year the losers go trick or treating and by eight pm we all agree to go watch scary movies, except for me and Eddie. We insist on staying out later and when it's nine o clock we finally finish and we go back to my house and have a sleepover and forget about the others. The others don't mind, it's just been a thing we do every year. This is mine and Eddies first Halloween together as a couple and since we spend it a certain way with each other every year it kills me that I'm far away from him. I don't want Eddie to spend it without me.
I end up callings him.
We were midway through a conversation when I said this,
"Eddie what if I try to come down for Halloween?"

"Rich that'd be great, but you've only been in Indiana for a couple months, do you think your mom would let you visit already?" He replied.

"I'm not sure eds, but should I try? I miss you and the losers like crazy and I don't wanna break our tradition."

"It's up to you Richie, whatever you wanna try to do." He replies.

"Alright Eds, I might ask, I'll talk to Mike and see what he thinks my mom will say."

"Okay Richie sounds good."

Mikes POV

I walk into my room and see Richie looking scared and upset.

"You Okay?"

"Nope." he replied with a sigh.

"What's up?" I say plopping a seat on my bed.

"So me and Eddie always spend Halloween together in a special way and I don't wanna break that, and I miss him and the losers like crazy but I don't know what mom would say to me visiting." He said all in a stuttered mess.

"Well," I started.

"How about I ask Mom for you?"

"Would you?" He practically pleaded.

"Of course, be right back." I said then smiled.

I went downstairs to see Mom in the kitchen.

"Hey honey." she said smiling

"Hey, can I ask you something?"

She nodded and smiled. My mom is always smiling.

"What would you say about Richie going to Derry for halloween, just for a couple days. He has this tradition for halloween and he just really misses his friends."

She made the 'hm' noise that moms make when there not sure about something. I got nervous, it would be really nice for Richie to visit his friends, especially his boyfriend.

"Well I don't see why not, we have enough money for  him to take a trip there and back." she said. I got happy.

"Thanks, he'll be able to find someone to stay with while he's visiting." I said while running upstairs.

"She said yes!"

Richies POV

Mike came up and told me that Mom said yes, I got super excited. About 15 minutes later I got a call.

"Mike can you check who it is?" I asked as I was playing a game. He nodded.

"It's Eddie." he said.

I chucked the controller and took the phone. I stand up and answer it.

"Hey doctor k, what's been up, suck a lot of wounds lately?" I said in my accent he hates.

"Shut up Richie!" He says so loud Mike can hear him. I laugh

"love you too eds."

"Mhm, well was just wondering if your planning on asking your mom about coming?" Eddie asked.

I was planning on waiting to tell him but I just did it then because he asked.

"Actually I did and I am coming up."

"What, you're lying." Eddie immediately says.

"I'm not, I really am coming to visit my mom said yes." I said.

"Rich why didn't you tell me, you didn't even tell me when you were asking." Eddie said with a laugh.

"I was gonna tell you and the other losers all together later."

"Okay well oh my god you're really coming!" Eddie said excitedly which made my heart flutter.

"Yeah I am!"

We kept talking about it for a few minutes when I heard my mom yell up to me and Mike and Nancy that dinner was ready.
(A/n: yes in this story Nancy is in college but it's communal or online or some shit idk-)

"Well I gotta go eat dinner, love you eds, I'll call you later, Heart emoji!" I say over excitedly into the phone then hung up.

Mike looked at me confused.
"heart emoji?" He asked and laughed.

I smiled. Then we went downstairs and enjoyed dinner.


We spent the rest of the night planning everything out. I would be leaving this Thursday, and staying for just the weekend, Halloween is on a Saturday.
I can't wait.

This literally sucks I-
Sorry it's so short but it's the best I can do
much love

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