37~i love you

451 16 32

10 years later

Richies pov

"Rich!" I hear Eddie yell from our bedroom in our apartment. Me and Eddie moved in with each other right out of college, we were living a great life, still in touch with the losers, they all lived pretty close. We all live in new york. Me and eds live in the city, as do bev and Ben and Bill and Stan. Mike lives in upstate New york and my brother Mike lives in Indiana still, as do most of his friends from high school Max, El, Dustin, Lucas, and Will. Though tonight, we were going out to a fancy restaurant to have a reunion with everyone. Obviously everybody's always in touch with everyone but we haven't been together in person for awhile, so Mike and his friends were coming up from indiana to stay here in new york for a few days, and Mike is coming from upstate. So yes, everybody has been very excited to see each other, but that's not the only thing exciting about tonight. Tonight I would be proposing to Eddie. Nervous? no. Terrified. Me and Eddie have a great relationship, but I guess i'm still scared, that for maybe some reason he'll say no.


I walk into our bedroom and see eddie standing there in the mirror.

"Does this look okay?" He says pointing himself in his new outfit he bought the other day. He was wearing a red sweater with jeans and some black shoes, with one of my black belts.

"Perfect." I say and lean over and give him a kiss on the cheek. He blushed and straightened out my shirt.

"Should I wear my fannypack, I mean it's winter time and we're going to a public restaurant so I think maybe I should-"

"Eds no-" I cut him off with a laugh. "You'll be fine." I finish. Eddie hasn't worn his fannypack in awhile. He rarely does, I still remember when we were teens and he would wear it very second. He sighs at himself and lets out a giggle.

"So you exited to see everyone?"

Eddie nods with a smile. My phone suddenly started to ring. It was Mike, my brother Mike.

"Eds it's Mike, could you feed the dogs pretty please?" I ask. Me and Eddie have two pomeranian dogs and they're the cutest ever. Eddie nods with a giggle and heads out. I answer the phone.

"Hey brutha."

"Hey Richie."

"What's up, you make it to your hotel safely?"

"Yep me and Will are here, and I checked with Dustin, Lucas, el and Max and they're here all good."

"Alright good."

"So you ready for tonight?"

"Terrified actually."

"Don't be, who else knows?"

"Um, all the losers and the party...so literally everyone but Eddie."

"Gotcha, well we're about to leave just wanted to say good luck cuz if I tell you good luck at dinner then it would be very suspicious."

"Yeah no shit, well see you there." I hang up and Eddie comes in.

"Okay I fed the dogs, we don't wanna be late, so you get your shoes and coat on and I'm gonna go warm up the car."

I nod and he turns to leave.

"Wait come here." I stop him.

Eddie turns around. I place a small kiss on his lips and he smiles, "I love you."

"Love you too spaghetti." I say and he rolls his eyes at the nickname that I haven't stopped calling him. He walked out of the bedroom and I heard him grab the keys and walk out the apartment door. I quickly grab my nice shoes and slip them on. I grab my jacket and head out until I remember the ring. I grab the box and put it in my pocket. I then leave the bedroom, say goodbye to the puppers (a/n:puppers isn't a typo, it's what me and my family used to call out dogs idk if we're the only ones jajsjdnf) and then head out to meet Eddie in the car.

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