21~plan for two lives

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It was about 9:30 when all the losers went home. Eddie was the first to go of course because of his strict parents. Then everyone else just sort of trailed off.

Richies POV

After everyone left I waited a few minutes, talking to Bev. Then I grabbed my stuff and walked quickly to my dads house. As it was pitch black and cold out I sped walked down the street to make it there.
I finally walked up. I was thinking of if I should knock or not. I decided to just walk in.
The smell of alcohol and cigarettes was gone.
It was clean.
It was weird.


A few seconds later my dad walked over.

"Richie-" He said excitedly.

I got a little scared but tried to reassure myself that he's a new person.

"Hi dad.."


Eddies POV

Today was a lot of fun. Of course I enjoyed seeing Richie but he seemed off. I knew something was wrong. So I texted him.

Me: hey Richie
Richie: hey eds
Me: are you okay???
Richie: what do you mean Edo spaghetto?
Me: I know something was wrong today.
Richie: meet me at the old bench at the Back of the park

Richies POV

After chatting awkwardly with my dad for awhile it was about 10 and he decided to go to sleep so I went into my room. It was clean which is weird because last time I left it a mess so my dad must have cleaned it. I went through some of my old stuff that I left. My room hadn't been cleaned in like 7 years so I was going through some stuff I forgot I had. I found my old diary.

September 16th, 7th grade
Well I've been in middle school for a week.
Same friend Group since last year.
I think I like Eddie but we've been best friends since like kindergarten. Anyways I don't think I'm ready to come out as bi, I'm scared

I flipped through some random pages then found 8th grade

December 1st 8th grade

Life sucks, my dads being an ass and my feelings for Eddie are getting stronger :/ but bevs been getting me through it.

I don't even know the date, 9th grade

Well this is fucking great. I have to fucking move to Indiana with my real mom. What the fuck is this shit. I'm so mad and upset. I don't wanna leave. I'd rather die.

Then I found some pictures of me and the losers in an old book.

I found myself crying after going through all of this. I finally opened my phone and ended up texting Eddie because I needed someone.


I was sitting at the bench I used to sit at all the time crying my eyes out when I saw Eddies tiny figure come up to me. I could see he was a little panicked because he hates seeing people he loves in pain. I tried to make words come out but nothing would do I had to calm myself down for a few minutes which Eds helped with a lot.

Eddies POV

Richie finally started talking and it was well a lot.

"I-I have the option to move back to Derry and I'm really sorry I didn't tell you sooner and the only person I told was Bev, but I didn't want everyone knowing and I especially didn't want you to know because I don't know what to do because I honestly don't know if I wanna move back and I'm sorry, but I don't know what to do." he rambled.

I didn't really expect that.

"Shh okay, it's okay Richie." I said rubbing his back trying to get him to calm down.

Usually I have to be calmed down so this is unusual.

"Are you mad?" Richie asked me.

I sighed, "How could I be mad? There's nothing to be mad over Richie, I love you okay? And I know how much you love it in Indiana and I'll still love you a hundred percent no matter where you live, you just have to decide based on what you want."

He nodded and gave me a big hug.

"Thanks eds, I think I'm gonna go home and call Nancy, she's been helpful." he said.

I nodded and he got up and held my hand then walked me home.

Richies POV

When I got home I had been talking to Nancy for awhile. She kept pitching an idea of me living in Indiana for a month or a couple months at a time then going to Maine. It actually sounded like a good idea, so Nancy ended up talking to my mom about it and she sent me this text:

Mom: hey Richie, Nancy told me about her idea and I'm up for it if you're up for the responsibilities this will take and it can't be exactly what you guys were thinking.

Me: mom, I'm up for anything at this point

Mom: okay well first of all it would be a month at a time, so you would be here in Indiana for a month then In Maine for a month. also you would have to switch to online school because there's no way that you would be able to go to two different schools at once. If you agree to all of that then I'm fine with you doing this. But you also have to talk to your dad.

I think I just found a way to have two perfect lives

omg another shitty chapter :)
much love

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