8~loser forever

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Eddies POV

It was a Saturday. I remember what Saturdays used to be like, the losers would all hang out and have lots of fun, but without Richie it's dull.
Too dull.
Now all we do on Saturdays is go to Bills house and watch movies while being sad. But it was something to do. So I got ready. I put on my red my shorts and Richies hoodie he left for me. I told my mom I was going to Bills for once. She said it was fine for today because I told her it would only be me, Bill and Ben and that we were working on a project that was due soon. I hopped on my bike and quickly rode off.


I get to Bills house.
"H-hey Eddie" Bill says with a small smile.

"Hi Bill." I say softly back.

We decide on watching a movie after a few minutes of everyone arriving. We put on one of Richies favorite movies. I don't know why we wanted to be more sad. I guess we just wanted to feel like Richie was there with us.

Then Bev said something,
"Hey guys, is it just me or Richie hasn't been answering his phone lately."

I nearly choked on my drink. He was answering to me. We talk almost every second, but I did know why he wasn't talking to the other losers as much. He was scared he would accidentally tell them about us or come out and he wasn't ready. They all were stammering about how he wasn't ever answering as often.

"What about you Eddie, Have you heard from him?" Stan asked.

"Uh no not at all, not as much as I did the first couple days he moved." I lie.

"You know you're a bad liar." Ben said.

"Yea w-wha-what's going o-on?" Bill asked.

"Nothing I'm telling the truth." I said getting upset.

"What's going on Eddie, why is he answering you and not us?" Bev asked.

Then there were a bunch of 'yeahs' and 'yeah tell us' from the group. I couldn't take it.

"B-because were dating! And he didn't want to tell you guys yet and he's been scared!" I blurted.
Then realizing what I said I covered my mouth with my hands. I got some different looks.
Then I ran to the bathroom. I started crying, I was scared.I didn't mean to tell the losers about me and Richie yet. After a few minutes I got a knock.
It was Bill. I didn't wanna talk about this to anyone but if I had to choose I would choose Bill because he's one of my closest friends and he understands a lot. He sat on the bathroom floor next to me.
We sat in silence for a little bit.

"I-It's okay Eddie, I'm happy for y-you a-and I'm sure the others a-are t-t-too."
I looked up at him with teary eyes.
He hugged me and we stayed like that for a few seconds.

"D-do you w-want me to call Richi-ie?" He asked while pulling away from the hug. I nodded slowly and hesitantly.I knew I had to talk to him, I just told all our friends we were dating. Bill got out his phone and called Rich.He answered and Bill put it on speaker.

"Hey Billy, sorry about not answering earlier I-" Richie started
"hey It's  me" I said between sniffles cutting him off.

"Oh hey eds, what's wrong?" He asked clearly knowing I was upset.

I started crying during my sentence,
"Well, we were talking and then, — and I couldn't handle it so then I said we were dating and then I —"
I couldn't even say a proper sentence.

"Woah whoah, slow down eds" he said.

Bill spoke up,
"H-h-hey richie it's m-me" he said.

"What the hell is going on with eddie? Put him back on the phone!"

"R-Rich it's on s-speaker." Bill says.

"Eds, do you w-want me to tell him w-what happened?" Bill asks.

I nodded.

"O-okay so...w-we know you-y guys are d-ating." he said. I cringed at Bill saying that.

"What?" Richie asked.
I motioned him to give me the phone and leave.

"I-I'm leaving, h-here's ed-ds." bill said.
He gave me the phone then left.

"Rich I'm so sorry." I started
"Everyone was worried about you and they asked what was going on and why you've been answering me often but not them and I couldn't take it so I blurted it out."

Then I started crying more.

"Hey hey hey eds don't cry." Richie whispered into the phone.

"B-but I screwed everything up." I said.

"We weren't supposed to tell anyone we were dating this soon, because you weren't ready.."
I started.

"But that doesn't matter anymore does it, you told them, they know, that's all there is to it." Richie said calmly into the phone.

"You aren't mad?" I asked.

"Of course not Eddie, you didn't screw up okay your doing fine, I know it's hard to resist my perfection."

I laughed a little.

"But In all seriousness Eddie, I miss you a lot and I love you a lot." he said.

"I love you too." I replied.

"You do?" He asked.

"Of course or else I wouldn't be in this messed up relationship with you trashmouth." I laughed.

"That was deep eds"

"You okay now?" He then asked.

"Yeah I'm good, thanks."

"Tell the others I miss them and I'm sorry I haven't been answering but I will." he said.

"And-" he continued.

"And I miss being a loser." he finished with a sigh.

"Your still a loser rich."

"Yeah but it's not the same." he said.

"It doesn't matter, you're always a loser, a loser forever."

Now let's get into some byler meanwhile-

jk Y'all gonna have to wait for a new chapter for byler  jsjjsjdjd sorry....but srsly I'm  writing about byler next chapter so be prepared
much love

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