6~I like you too

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Richies POV
It was the first day of school and I didn't want to go. I really didn't want to go. But I had to. My mom packed me a lunch, which was odd. Usually I would have to eat the disgusting school food.

We were planning to bike to school with Mikes friends which is cool because I'm used to biking to school with the losers. It's only September, but it was a cold day in Indiana. I would be wearing my favorite sweatshirt, but I gave it to eds. I wanted him to have something to remember me by. Let me tell you he did. He does. We pretty much text each other every 5 minutes.


I was sitting on my bed just not wanting to get ready for school or anything.

"I'm going downstairs for breakfast, come down when you're ready and you can take anything from my closet if you need to." Mike says and walks downstairs.

I decided to wear a pair of jeans and a long sleeve white shirt with one of my Hawaiian shirts over it.
After I got dressed I went downstairs and into the kitchen where everyone was eating. They had a plate ready for me. As we ate it was awkward so I just barely said anything. After breakfast me and Mike went upstairs to finish getting ready and then we headed off to school.


First period I had math with nobody.
Second period I had English with Will and Mike who were all over each other.
Third period I had social studies with only Eleven (awkward).
Fourth period I had science with literally the whole party and it was awesome.
Fifth period I had global with Dustin and it was super fun.
Then it was finally time for lunch.
I walked out of 5th period with Dustin.
We both brought lunch so we took our time getting there. Half the tables were taken.
One table was full with the whole party plus some random kids.

"Oh guys I'm sorry." Mike started.

"No worries, me and Richie can just sit somewhere else today." Dustin cut him off and said.

Me and Dustin looked around and ended up sitting at a small table with only a few other students sitting at it. We talked for awhile. Me and Dustin know practically everything about each other now.

"and then Stan was like, what the fuck Richie?!" I said and laughed, finishing a story about Stan.

Dustin was laughing and then Mike came over.
"What the fuck Richie?" he mocked.

"Funny Mike." I replied.

"Anyways I'll see you in study hall that's the only other period I have with you." Mike said.

I nodded and me and Dustin caught up with the others.

Mikes POV

Dustin and Richie were really getting to know each other. I loved that. Finally Dustin is getting a close friend and so is Richie. After me and Richie got home we told Mom about our day and just kept saying everything was good even if it wasn't. When we got into our room we immediately did our homework which wasn't much because it was only the first day.

"So uh about Eddie, we don't have to talk about him, but are you ever gonna tell him you like him?" I asked.

"Trust me don't worry I could talk about eds all day, and I was actually thinking of writing him a letter today to tell him how I feel, it's more personal than a text message."

"That's a good idea" I said.

"So I was wondering, what's the deal with Will and eleven? Like relationships?" He asked.

Oh boy is that a story

"well me and El used to date but when she started doing normal things like going out and school and stuff she got adopted by Hopper, we decided to break up so she could lead to a normal life and if we ever still had feelings we could start our relationship over again, properly this time." I tried to explain as thoroughly as I could.

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