14~goodbye tears

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Richies POV

It was such a sad night. The losers had school the next day so they all had to go home so it was just me and Bill, the losers agreed they would meet me at the train station to say goodbye on their way to school though. It was really upsetting. I was asleep until about 2 in the morning, I woke up.

Bills POV

I woke up to a weird sound and a bright light.
I look up from my bed mattress to see that Richies not on his air mattress I set out. I turn my head to see the bathroom door creaked open, that's where the bright light was coming from. Was he crying?
I stood up slowly and walked over to the door.
The sound got louder and I opened the door as quietly as I could. He was sitting on a stool.
He looked up at me with tears running down his puffy red eyes.

He sniffled, "Bill w-what are you doing up?"

"What do you th-think?"

He started crying badly again. I went and sat down next to him on the tiny stool.

"Richie, what's wr-wrong?"

"I-well, everything." He said then started crying more. I hugged him letting all his tears run down.

"Just t-talk to me." I said smiling slightly at him.

"W-w-well....It's mostly eds."

"What?" I asked shocked.

"Did you g-guys get in a f-fight or something?"

"No no not like that I mean.." he started.

He also started to cry again. He pulled himself together and tried talking again,
"I mean I was so upset when I had to move to Indiana, a-and I started getting used to it like, 'this is my life now' and then I came to visit which is great I mean I missed eds and you all so much but now I don't wanna leave."

"Oh r-rich I'm s-so sorry." I said with a frown.

"And it's not just me missing you all." he started again,

"I hate it in Hawkins, you all made me realize how much I hate it, I miss you and the other losers and Derry, I even miss...well I even miss my dad."

I couldn't say anything to make him feel better, what
he's going through is awful. I just stayed there and hugged him, rubbing his back. When he calmed down a little I convinced him to try to get some sleep. I couldn't leave him the rest of the night, I just knew it. He washed his face off from his tears, I stayed awake. He put his glasses back on, I stayed awake. He turned off the bathroom light, I stayed awake. He took his glasses back off and put them on his stand, I stayed awake. He turned my lamp off, I stayed awake. He couldn't fall asleep so I sat up and talked to him for hours. It was about 4 am when he stopped talking.

"Richie?" I whispered.

I didn't get a response so I assumed he finally fell asleep. I'm glad I stayed up with him, although I had to be up in two hours for school and to see Richie leave, he's one of my best friend and a night with barely any sleep is worth helping him out.

Richies POV

I woke up to a major headache, that's what I get for crying the whole night. I saw that Bill was already up. I looked over at all my stuff that I packed up last night, it killed me. My bag was packed, Bill was changed into new clothes, my phone charger was unplugged, and he had the deflater ready to take down my air mattress. It felt like when you have a awesome sleepover on a Saturday night, and then you pack up and leave and you have to go to school the next morning. Except ten times worse.He noticed I was up and smiled at me.

"When did you fall asleep?" I asked.

"A little a-after you."

"Oh..sorry I kept you up."

He got up and sat next to me,
"Don't be." he said to me with a smile.

We talked and talked about funny memories, how the losers are, and I eventually got ready.

"Richie, It's t-time to g-go." Bill said sadly.

"The losers are gonna b-be at th-the station soon to s-say goodbye and I don't th-think Eddies doing too well." He continued.

My smile faded. He looked up at me then hugged me. I just looked at him and tears started again.


We got to the train station. I was saying goodbye to the losers. I had made it through everyone except Bev and Eddie.

"Rich, we've gotta be at school soon." Bev says.

I nod and hugged her. I then go up to Eddie who was crying. I hugged him tightly and I was trying to calm him down.

"Richie, I h-hate to s-say it but we gotta go and s-so do y-you." Bill says.

I nod and let go of Eddie.

"Bye guys." I say softly.


I got back home a few hours later and ran into my room. My parents were still at work but Mike should be getting home from school anytime now. About 20 minutes later Mike ran into our room holding Wills hand in one and a bunch of random stuff in the other, cursing under his breath. He looked worried.
Not noticing me he looked at Will.

"Are you sure you saw something?" He said panicked. Will nodded scared.

"Shit" Mike said.

"Call Dustin, I got Lucas." Mike said. Will nodded.

Mike went over to his bed wear his walkie talkie was, I remember them saying they only use their walkie talkies and not their phones if there's an emergency.
Mike then noticed me. He stared me dead in the eye.

"How much of that did you understand?"

lol this sucks
much love

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