23~christmas Eve pt 1

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Richies POV, December 24th, 5am

I woke up to Mike, Lucas, Will, Eleven, and Max getting ready to leave, mom wanted Mike home by the afternoon so he could go to the Christmas eve family dinner, Mike obviously didn't want to but he has to. They were getting on the train at 6am. Everyone was awake or at least half awake, and of course I'm the last one to wake up. Everyone's talking and the tv is on. I don't know how everyone's up because I instantly want to fall back asleep, but since I'm not gonna see Mike and the others for awhile, I decided to drag myself up so I can spend a little bit of time with them before they leave. I open my eyes fully to see everyone up and all of Mikes stuff ready to go. I look outside and it's raining. It always rains on Christmas eve up here.

"Merry Christmas eve rich!" bev says excitedly.

I nod and laugh a little. We all talk for awhile until it's about 6am and the party has to leave to catch the train. I walk up to the stop with Mike.

"Hey um this was fun, I'm gonna miss you like always. Don't forget to call and tell me everything you got."

Mike gives me a short hug,
"I will" he replies.

I smile and say goodbye to everyone else, they get into the train. I sigh then walk back to bevs house.


Everyone already back on the floor and couch falling asleep again. So I decide to go back to sleep as well.
After awhile of trying, I still can't  fall asleep.
So I decide to just scroll through my phone. That gets boring so I put my earbuds in and listen to some music. I'm feeling pretty sad and I honestly don't know why. I obviously wanna be here with my friends and, well my dad because I'm used to it and I love spending christmas with my friends but I just can't stop thinking about how I could have a more normal christmas if i was with my siblings and mom, but I remember what my mom was told me before I left, we would have our own second christmas when I get back in a month. I then glance around at all my friends who are still sleeping and start to smile remembering how much I really missed them and how happy I am to be with them. On that thought I fell asleep peacefully.

Mikes POV

I get home and everybody greets me.

"So how was your time in Derry with Richies friends?" Nancy asks me.

I sigh and laugh a little,
"Crazy, everybody has there own personality.
It was tiring, but fun. I overall like them."

My mom and nancy nod. Teds asleep on the couch.

"So got a text from Dustins mom, about the christmas eve sleepover you boys do every year, you can go but you know the rules-" she starts.

"Yes I know, no doing anything stupid, try to get sleep and be back by 7:30 am for Christmas."
She nods.

"I'll drop you off after the dinner at grandmas, which reminds me you should go get ready, we're leaving shortly and you need to shower and put something nice on."

I nod and run upstairs to get ready. I unpack my stuff, plug my phone in because it's almost dead, answer Richie to tell him I got home safe, then I grab a nice outfit and hop in the shower.

This is so short wtf-
much love

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