29~It's fine

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Richies POV

We all sneak back into Bevs house. We don't think her aunt woke up or anything. We all get back into the basement. We're all very awake, I mean we're tired of course from all that shit but there's no way we're sleeping.
No way.
Bev and Max go upstairs to get water and medical stuff. I didn't even realize I had many cuts and bruises on my legs and arms, I don't even know how I got them and I didn't even notice, but Eddie noticed it.

"Richie you look terrible!" Eddie says once we turn on the light and he sees me.

"Hey it's fine, you're worse so we have to take care of you first."

He rolls his eyes but then looks down and sees the huge rip on his stomach and deep cuts in his arm.

"My moms gonna kill me." he whispers.

"We'll cover it up eds, and plus she doesn't watch you change does she?"

He giggles,
"No but look at my arms." he says.

I look and remember how bad they are.
"You can just wear a sweatshirt."

He smiles a little.

"I don't even have a sweatshirt." he says which is a complete lie.

"Oh so you wanna wear one of mine?" I ask laughing.

"I never said that!" He says.

"Well I know very damn well you have sweatshirts eddo, but it's fine of course you can have one of mine."

He smiles a little.
I'm so glad he's okay, I'm so glad everyone's okay.

Bevs POV

Tonight was rough, I'm so glad it's over and everyone's okay. Eddies definitely hurt the most.
Also Jane, or Eleven, not sure why they call her Eleven but she's pretty bad because she did the most damage, but she's just extremely exhausted. Then there's a couple scars on everyone else. But fighting was pretty much easier this time with Eleven and the others there, but of course it still got Eddie good which made Richie go insane. I mean Richies pretty bad too now that I think about it cuz he flipped when Eddie was with the clown and hurt himself a ton falling and fighting and shit, but this time after killing the clown, I have a good feeling it's not coming back. Last time I felt like something was biting at me about it everyday more and more, but I didn't talk to the losers about it because I was scared. I don't feel that at all this time.

We make it back to my place. My aunts still asleep.
Thank god, I don't think she suspects anything. I mean if she woke up while we were out and checked on us and didn't see us I think she would've texted me, we all left our phones at home but I had no texts when we got back. Obviously it was not fun having to do that, but I really liked hanging out with Max. She's really cool and we sort of get each other,
So me and her go upstairs to get medical stuff and water for everyone. I grab a big pitcher from the kitchen and fill it up with ice and water and grab a bunch of cups and stack them to carry down. Max goes into the bathroom and grabs the first aid kit and any other helpful stuff she could find.

"Crazy shit right?" I say laughing.
She smiles,
"Yeah but I'm used to it, I've only been in Indiana for two years and crazy stuff happens all the time, I think it's done with now though." she says.

I look at her confused.

"Oh damn I can't really tell you everything that happened but, yeah this isn't our first time fighting shit." she says.

I laugh and shrug,
"Not surprised, you guys fought well, and I remember Rich saying something about this not being your guys first time doing something like this."

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