35~this is all bullshit

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Mikes POV

"Richie!" I yell as Richie walks in the house, getting back from Maine. I had been waiting all day for this.
Richie runs up to me and pulls me into a big hug as always. We stay like that for a few seconds. Until Nancy runs downstairs and steals him from me, giving him a big hug. Then mom came from the kitchen and stole Rich from Nancy giving him a big hug. Everyone laughs and smiles a bit. As Ted is just sitting in his chair with Holly.

"Dinner will be ready in a little bit." My mom starts excitedly.

"Then after words I was thinking we could go to a movie or something? Obviously this was so sudden having to move back for good, so if you're not up to it that's fine.." She continues.

"No yeah I'd like that." Richie says with a smile.

"Okay, well why don't you go get settled, I'll call you boys down when dinners ready then we can to to the theater and see whatever you want Richie." My mom finished with a smile. Richie nods and we head back upstairs. He walks into our room, tosses his bag on the floor and flops onto his bed.

"Tired?" I ask while sitting at our desk chair.

"Very." He mumbles into his pillow. I sigh and nod.

"We don't have to see a movie if you don't want, Mom will understand."

He sits up and sighs.
"I know, but I do wanna spend time with you guys, although this sucks ass that I can't keep doing the back and forth thing, I think it's good if I spend time with you guys and try to have fun instead of sitting around being all sad and tired."

I nod with a smile,
"That's a good attitude Rich." He nods. "You should take a quick nap before Dinner, there's some really good movie options so whatever you pick i'm sure you won't wanna miss."

"Yeah alright." He says and plops back down. He gets under the covers and pulls the sheets over his head. I laugh a little and get up to turn off the light.
I then go into Nancy's room, hoping she'll have some advice for me on Will Byers.

Eddies POV

I was sitting in Bevs bed as she was in the kitchen with her Aunt. My aunt was calling me so she decided to leave me alone for a bit.

"Hey." I answer.

"Hi Eddie." She says with a soft voice.

"How are you with the whole Richie thing?" She then asks.

I sigh,
"I mean, it's only been a day but I know this is gonna be hard, I'll get used to it after awhile but I'm used to him coming down and staying for a couple months at a time and now he's only gonna get to come down so often and only for a short amount of time, it sucks." I say, my voice breaking a bit while talking.

"Yeah I get it, but you know you're not with your mom anymore so we can also go down and visit Rich as much as we can." She says with a sort of cheery voice.

"Yeah but the losers will probably get jealous and pissed off".

"Yeah I get, but I have some news." She says getting more happily.

"What's that?"

"I found an apartment for us!" She yells into the phone.

"Woah really? Already??" I say excitedly.

"Yeah, I've been up all night the past few nights looking non stop and I finally found one to rent, we start moving in this weekend, you can stay with Beverly until then right?"

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