17~bros have to open up

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(A couple weeks later)

Mikes POV

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping and a nice sunny day. It was a Saturday morning and I slept in a little. I looked at my alarm clock and saw it was about 9:30am. I sit up, yawn, stretch, and rub my eyes. I look over to Richie who's halfway off the bed, wearing the same clothes from two days ago and snoring very loudly. I laugh at my messy brother.
Then I start to smell bacon. Richie obviously smells the same because I see him sniff and then get up.

Unlike my put together wake up routine, Richie falls completely off the bed, tries to find his glasses and yawns about 20 times.

"I smell food." Richie says.

I laugh.

"You know what I smell?"

"What?" He replies.

"You! You're gross, you're wearing the same clothes from two days ago and you reek."

He nods not surprised. He grabs new clothes and runs into the bathroom. I quickly change into new clothes, a basic Mike shirt and some jeans.I run downstairs and see my mom making breakfast.

"Where's Rich?" She asks.


She nods, "Could you help me out a little bit?" She asks, pointing her head towards Holly who was throwing a fit while my mom was making food.
I nod and go over to my little sister.

Richies POV

I grab some clothes and run into the bathroom to take a quick shower. I scrub myself good because Mike made it obvious how disgusting I smelled.
When I got out I brushed my hair, my teeth and put my glasses back on. I then went downstairs to a plate of breakfast for me. I sat down with the rest of the family. I was really happy, but for a second, I randomly started thinking back to my dad. And how he would throw fifteen bucks at me every couple weeks so I could go buy food for myself. I shake it out of my head and think of something else.I try to enjoy the rest of the morning with my family.


Me and Mike are now sitting on the floor watching the office because we're bored. Mike was fidgeting with his walkie talkie and I was adjusting my glasses every five seconds.

"Hey, you know what?" Mike asks.


"I should take you out today, Yeah I gave you a small tour when you first moved here, but we haven't really hung out just us brothers, I mean we're not even that close and we're twins." He says.

"That's not a bad idea."

"Well get your coat." he says getting up excited.

"Don't have one."

"We bought you one last month though." he says.

I go into my drawer and pull out a black jacket that's ripped up.

"Not even gonna ask." he says laughing.

He throws me a coat of his I can borrow and we run downstairs saying goodbye to mom.


We're riding on our bikes all around town. We've seen so much. Mikes a good tour guide. We just got done at the movies.We ride down a couple of street then park our bikes.

"Saved the best for last." Mike says smiling.

I look up at a big sign saying ARCADE

We both get excited and run inside. I look around, I've only been in once or twice of my time being here which is surprising. And I didn't play anything because I didn't have money.

"Wait do they have street fighter in here?"


I frown a little.

"But...They have this!" He says pointing to dig dug.
He makes me play for hours until we finally leave.


It's now dark outside and Mike starts to get a worried look on his face.

Mikes POV

It's now dark and I start to get worried. Me and the party don't go out biking after dark because of the incidents with Will, our parents don't like us to be out past dark either.I clear my throat.

"We should probably get going."

"Come on, why not take a night time bike ride?" Richie says pushing me.

"No!" I say a little too loudly and defensive.

"Okay okay, what's going on?" Richie asks.


"Come on." he pushes.

"Nothing, lets just go" I say getting on my bike and riding away.

We get home and Richie keeps pushing me to talk.

"It's really hard on me and the party..." I try to explain.

"Just tell me, look..." he starts.
"Bros need to open up." he says patting my back.

I sigh and realize he's right. I decide to tell him everything.

This is fucking awful smh @ myself :(
much love

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