31~new life for eds pt 1

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Tw: homophobic slurs like once

Eddies POV

When I see my mom pull up I instantly panic.

"That's not her is it?" Richie asks looking at me.

Mike then comes into the room.

"What's going on?" He asks.

"You know how eds came here cuz he left his house and shit? Well we called his aunt to come get him but she's pretty far away so she won't be getting here for awhile but um Eds mom is about to be at our house." Rich explains.

Mikes mouth opens.

"I need to go talk to dad about this so stay here with eds." Richie says to Mike.

He nods and Richie runs downstairs.

"I'm gonna go listen to what's happening stay here." I say to Mike and I creep down Richies stairs a little.
Richie sees me but doesn't mind. Then I hear the conversation with his dad.

"Dad this is gonna sound crazy but um, Eddies mom is insane as you probably know since I've been friends with him since kindergarten but um he ran out on his mom and his aunt is supposed to be coming to get him but she lives an hour away soo she's obviously not close to being here yet, but Eddies mom is down the street and she's gonna come ask if eddies here so could you please say no." Richie says.

Richies dad pauses for a second,
"Richie I don't wanna get involved in this." he starts.

"Dad please, his aunt is taking care of eveything as soon as possible, just tell Sonia he's not here, he's gonna have a guardian coming to get him as soon as possible, she's already on her way please dad he can't go back there not even for an hour who knows what she'll do after he ran out." Richie pleads.

Richies dad sighs,
"Alright but I need to talk to his aunt when she gets here alright?"

Richie sighs in relief and says, "Yes that's fine."

He runs back upstairs and grabs my hand. Since the window is right next to/above his bed we can't be there so we sit on the floor. I'm in full out panic mode. Richie sits with me on the floor and tries to calm me down.

"The losers, we have to tell the losers." I barely get out. Richie nods.

"Mike, grab my phone and text in the losers group chat, there's like six group chats that says the losers and then other shit but text the one that says losers club with the clown emoji and balloon emoji, that's the original one with everyone in it. Tell them what's going on." Richie says.

Mike nods and does so,
"Wait bro what's your password?" He asks.

"Zero zero zero zero." Richie replies.

Mike laughs.

"What?" Richie says now laughing at himself.

Then we hear a couple loud knocks on the door. I start getting more anxious. Richie holds my hand and tries to comfort me but we can't really say anything. We hear Sonia saying,
"Wheres Eddie he has to be here!"

Then we hear Richies dad muffle something and after a couple minutes Sonia leaves. We hear the door slam and her car door open. We hear her car go back down the street.

"You kids are safe." Richies dad hollers up to us.
Everyone loses tension. Me and Richie and even Mike sigh in relief. I drop my head into my knees.
I feel like breaking down. Richie puts his arm around me and then Mikes phone goes off.

"It's mom I should take this." he says.

I assume Richie nodded but I was still burried into my knees.

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