24~christmas eve pt 2

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Richies POV

I wake up at around 9am to everyone up eating food.
Bev was in the kitchen, getting more snacks and breakfast and stuff. Bill and Stan were oddly close to each other ;). Mike and Ben we're watching tv.
And Eddie was sitting right next to me.
I looked over at Eddie and smiled. He gave me a little smile. I looked up at the tv to see we were watching Christmas movies on hallmark. Everybody's gifts were around bevs small decoration tree that we use in her basement every year. I feel so...safe? I don't know I just love the feeling of being here with all my friends. We continue to watch hallmark because we have until like 3pm before everyone has to go back home, including me. I had to go home to my dad to just spend some time with him, I wonder how Christmas is gonna be with him this year now that he's changed.
Eds has to go home to his crazy mom and his stupid country trash homophobic cousins that stay at his house on Christmas Eve. Bill goes home just because his dad wants him home since his grandparents come over for Christmas and Christmas Eve. Mike has to go home to the farm to spend some time with his grandpa. And Stan just goes home, his family obviously doesn't celebrate Christmas. Bens whole family, grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles, they all come over to his house. Bev just chills with her aunt and a couple of her aunts friends usually come over.
So everyone's all over the place. Apparently Mike (my brother) has a sleepover with his friends on Christmas Eve. I always think maybe I'll do that with them some day, but if I'm being honest I prefer being here. With the people who I've spent my whole life with.
My friends.


It's around 11 now and we've watched plenty of movies, some of us were falling in and out of sleep. I look over at Eddie and he seems so nervous. I know when somethings wrong with him and I can tell that's now. He seemed upset and he was tapping his foot and fiddling with his fanny pack zipper.
I scoot closer to him.

"Eds are you okay?"

"Um-I'm okay" he replied nervously.

I shake my head, then look up. Everybody's still asleep or watching the tv so nobody's listening to us.

"No you're not Eds what's wrong?"

He sighs,
"Just, every Christmas Eve and Christmas is really upsetting cuz of my stupid cousins they always mess around and they don't leave me alone it's annoying and they're just rude, I mean my moms always awful, my one aunt is okay, my other aunt is really great but my cousins are just the worst."

Ugh. I hate when Eddies sad or nervous. It makes me lose it because it's all his stupid family's fault.
I grab his hand to try to calm him down a little bit.

"Look Eddie I'm really sorry, I know your family sucks ass, they can all suck a dick."

He laughs a little but in a confused and still upset way.

"Okay I'm sorry I'm bad at comforting you I don't know anything." I laugh a little at myself.

"No richie it's fine." he laughs.

I laugh a little again, then clear my throat,
"But seriously I'm sorry, you know if anything happens you can text me about it or call me or whatever. I'm always here Eddie I love you."

Eddie smiles really big and I can feel the shakiness in his hand disappear. He lays his head on my shoulder and sighs in relief.

"I know, I love you too, thank you Richie." he says.

After that Eddie finally feel asleep after not being able to sleep for hours.



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