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Ok so this is a bit of a time skip to december :)

Richies POV (December 20th)

This whole plan that Nancy and my mom and sort of me have come up with is amazing. Online school is great, yeah I miss seeing my friends at both places, but my online classes take about the same time as the school day so it passes time quickly, plus I can eat anything I want any time of the day. This month is December and Ive been with my mom for all of it and I'm gonna be with my dad all of January, but I think I'm going to go to Derry for Christmas and just stay for January too, it's only leaving my mom a couple days early and I want to spend time at my true home for the holidays. I already started talking to my mom and dad about it and they said if that's what I want to do than that's fine. Ironically as soon as I finish my online classes and shut my computer Mike comes running upstairs coming home from school. He set his backpack next to his bed and plopped down.

"Finally, only one more day of school and then this hell is over for a couple weeks." Mike says.

I laugh while checking my phone seeing that all the losers are getting back from school too.

"Hey I'm gonna miss you when you go to Maine for the holidays." He says

I nod, "I know but Derrys my first home and I've been celebrating a shitty Christmas there since I was born."

He nods.

"Wait a minute, maybe you could come down with me, like on the twenty second? You can meet the losers, they've been dying to meet you, and then you can go back on Christmas Eve to be here, that way you and my friends can meet, we can spend a little holiday time together and then we'll both be back to spend it at our homes."

"Wait that's actually a good idea, do you think mom would let me?" He asks.

"I don't see why not."

"Oh shoot I told Dustin I'd meet him at the arcade right after school?" I say then run out the door because I'm already late.


I got home after hanging out with Dustin and I was exhausted? but mike was very energetic.
He kept taking and all that. Then he told me that he had a plan for the whole trip.

"Dude, what if me and the whole party come down to meet the losers?"

"Wait that's actually a good idea." I replied.

"I mean, if they can come up with the money than yeah let's do it." I said.

Then me and Mike got the party together and everyone agreed to go


Richies POV (December 21st)

I'm so excited to go back to Derry and for everyone to meet. I had all my stuff packed and so did everyone else but I was still up late on FaceTime with Eddie. After awhile he got yelled at so he hung up and texted me goodnight. So I decided to try to get some sleep myself.


I woke up at the crack of dawn because Mike woke me up. We got ready and ran downstairs giving everyone hugs. Once we finally made it outside we met the party. Of course Dustin was running late.
So then all of us, me, Mike, Dustin, Lucas, Will, El, and Max all started off to the bus station. We got on and made  small conversation. I told them all about what Derry was like. We were about 10 minutes away from the Derry bus station. The two girls el and max were scrolling through Instagram together on Max's phone. Dustin and Lucas were asleep and Mike was half asleep. Of course I'm up and energetic texting the losers group chat. We finally arrive and everyone starts to get excited. We walk through a crowd of people. We eventually arrived at Bevs.
Her aunt is amazing and agreed to have me and the party stay. I walked right in and everyone followed.
Bev was in the kitchen working on some food and she saw me and jumped up.

"Richie!" she yelled and ran up and gave me a huge hug.

"Hey bevy." I laugh.

"Bev this is-" I tried to introduce her to the party but I got interrupted.

"Wait don't introduce me yet, do it all together." she said and led us all into the living room where everyone was.

"Okay." I start again.

"Losers, these are my Indiana friends...my twin brother Mike of course, Dustin, Lucas, Will, Jane but we call her el, and Max."

There were some waves and hellos.

"And you guys, these are my best friends...Mike, Ben, Bev of course, Bill, Stan, and- wait.." I start and they start to wave but I don't see Eddie.

"Where's eds?"

"Don't worry rich, he'll be here he just had to finish the laundry for him mom."

I nod but proceed to frown. I hate eddies mom.
Everyone gets to talking and Bev takes everyone's bags upstairs. After awhile Eddie walks in quietly but as soon as I hear the door creek I run up to it.
I gave him the biggest hug ever and a kiss on the forehead. He laughed his cute little giggle and hugged me back. Then we went into the living room and I introduced everyone to Eddie and I introduced Eddie to the party. The end of the night comes near and and we're all in the living room watching Christmas movies. Eddie fell asleep in my arms which is one of the cutest things I've ever seen.
And I'm so happy to be here with all my friends.

Haha I really am not good at writing ://
much love

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