7~cat fights

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Richies POV

"I like you too."

"Wait what?" I say to Eddie after he told me he liked me back.

"I like you too rich."

My heart flutters instantly, "you do?"

He giggles a little, "Yeah I do."

"Oh my god you're for real?"

"My lord yes Rich I've liked you for awhile now."
He says.

My smile grows huge, "holy shit."

He laughs a little. A few seconds go by and we both don't say anything.

"So now what?" Eddie eventually says.

"um, do I ask you out or...?"

He chuckles a little, "I don't know."

"Okay I think I ask you out now."

"Okay." He says excitedly.

"Okay Edward, will you be my boyfriend?"

"Yes rich" He replies.

"Oh my god eds yay!"

"Don't call me eds." He says. I smile a little.

"Okay Rich I've gotta go I'll text you later." Eds says.

"Okay bye spaghetti." I reply and he laughs then hangs up.

Well I couldn't stop smiling. Mike came home from hanging out with just Will again soon after and noticed my huge smile.

"Somethings got you happy." he said.

"Eds likes me, He likes me! And we're like dating now!"

Mike laughed, "Oh my god really? that's great Rich."

I nod happily.
Awhile later I decided to go to the arcade.

Mikes POV

I decided to meet up with the party without Richie because we were gonna talk about possibly putting Richie in our party and telling him the truth.
About the demo dogs, the demogorgon, the mind flayed, bob, elevens powers, all that, the truth.
I met up with them in my room because Richie was going to the arcade. We talked about a lot.
The whole time Dustin was like "Yeah let's tell Richie!" and "Yea let's put him in our party!"
Until we got deeper.
Lucas was being a downer.
Max and eleven didn't even say much because they didn't care.
So they left early.

Richies POV

I left the arcade after awhile. I was talking to Eddie on the way back and when I got home I heard Mike and his friends voices. They were talking about something important.

"Hey uh Eds?" I said into the phone, "Ima have to call you back."

There was silence for a few seconds.

"Oh okay is everything alright?" He asked, concerned.

"Yeah, I'll call you soon." I said then hung up.

I listened closely.
I heard Mikes voice saying, "So should he be in the party?"

"Mike who cares about that...it's about telling him the truth." Lucas said loudly.

"I think we should tell him." Dustin said.

"He is my brother." Mike said back.

"What if he reacts like Max did the first time I told her?" Lucas asks.

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