32~new life for eds pt 2

345 15 18

*mike went back to Indiana*

Tw: homophobic slurs (just like one)

*still the same night*

Eddies pov

When we got home my aunt started bringing some stuff up.

"I know we wanted to worry about this tomorrow, but can you try to find a place to stay tomorrow? I can drop you off before work, we'll have to leave early. I mean unless you wanna stay here." she says.

"It's fine I can probably stay at Richies, and I can stay somewhere like bevs until you figure out a living spot it's fine."

She smiles a little,
"Thank you Eddie, I would love to just keep you here but your break is over in two weeks and that's not enough time to find a place in derry and it's a long drive back and fourth and you know." she says.

She looks tired as fuck.

I nod, "I know."

"And um...you have to go to your moms house tomorrow to get your stuff." she says.

"What?" I say with a terrified look.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you before, but you need to grab your stuff. It'll just be at around two, the cops will be there with her so she doesn't try anything.
Just grab your things, and I talked to the cops and you can bring Richie in if you want, or Bev or Bill or whoever." she says.

I sigh and nod. I'm too tried to get overly panicky.
After a bit of talking more I hop into bed. I was using her small guest room. She lives in a small apartment now. I texted Richie and he said I could come over tomorrow morning, even though he loves sleeping in he promised he would wake up. Richies dad won't let me stay for up to two weeks or more depending on when my aunt can find a place. So I would probably end up staying with Bev. I talked to her and she offered, but so did Stan and Bill and Ben so I'm not 100% sure. I'll figure that out tomorrow.


I woke up at around 7am. I could barely sleep last night and of course I woke up early. I get up from Nicole's guest room. I go into the bathroom and look at myself. huge bags under my eyes.
I splash my face with water. One of the reason I couldn't sleep was because I kept hearing my Aunt on the phone all night. Obviously trying to get things situated. Some seemed to go good, others not so much but I also couldn't tell what was really going on during the calls, but I tried to listen. I sigh and walk out of the bathroom. My aunt is up. She still has to go to work today, but she did call in and was able to go in late so she can drop me off in Derry. I walk into the kitchen where she is wearing her work clothes (she works in an office) making a smoothie and constantly looking at her phone.

She smiles at me, "Morning Eddie."

I smile a little.

"So where am I bringing you?" she asks.

"Oh Richies." I say quietly remembering Richie said he would be up so I could come over. She nods.
Speaking of which I should text him and make sure he's up.

"You should go get your things together and get ready, we're leaving soon...you can stay the night at Richies or somewhere right?" My aunt asks. I nod.
I feel disgusting. I don't have any clothes besides the dirty ones in my bag from Bevs house and the dirty ones I'm wearing. So I just take my toothbrush out of my bag and quickly brush my teeth. I put it back then grab my stuff.

"Five minutes!" my aunt yells.

"Alright!" I reply.

As I was about to text Richie I get a call from him.
I answer.

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