4~introductions and tears

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Mikes POV

7:05 am

I wake up bright and early so I can get Reddie. I take a shower and all that and by then Richie finally wakes up.

"Oh hey Richie."

"Hey." he said kind of oddly, he's still getting used to this obviously.

As he slowly drags himself out of bed I decide to text the party.
By now it's 8:35

The party

Me: hey guys you up and ready?

Dustin : oh yea

Lucas: mhm me and max are just finishing breakfast at the diner

Dustin had this huge crush on max and when she's with Lucas he gets all, I don't know. What I do know is now he's gonna be late because he's probably upset now

Dustin: turns out ima be late guys whoops

Me: okay

Knew it

Will: oh sorry guys I was getting ready but I'm good now

Will: what about el?

Mike: oh I already talked to her

Will: k

Time skip

We decided to meet at my house. So me and Richie went down into the basement to wait for everyone.
Lucas and Max arrived first. They came down holding hands being all coupley and shit.

"Richie, this is Max and Lucas, Max and Lucas, this is Richie" I say introducing them.

Lucas says hi and Max smiles while giving a polite wave. A few seconds later Will and El came down the stairs quietly.

"Hey el" Max said looking up at the stairs.

Eleven smiles an waves at her best friend.

"Hi Will." Max then continues.

Will gives a small wave.

"This is Will and Eleven, Guys this is Richie." I say introducing them now.

We all sit and talk for a little bit. A few minutes later Dustin comes running down the stairs.

"Hey guys sorry I'm late I had to um help my mom with something." Dustin lies.

Lucas and Max are clueless to the jealousy that Dustin had of the two. Dustin came down and sat at the table.

"Well this is-" I start but Dustin cuts me off.

"I'm Dustin" He says with a smile.

Richie smiles back and waves.

"Well this is everyone" I say.

Richie nods awkwardly. But he eventually gets talking, he talks a lot about his friends. He really seems to be close with them. He told us a bunch of stories about his friends and how they met and their personalities and all tons of stuff. He really cares about them. I can tell he already misses them a ton.


I learned that Richie is kinda an interesting type.
He swears a lot, makes jokes, and is very sarcastic.
Reminds me of Dustin. I have a feeling that Dustin and Richie will really get along well. I'm excited to see how Richies relationship with everyone turns out. We hung out for a while until everyone decided to head out.

Richies POV:

It wasn't that bad meeting the party, but I don't fit in that well. I tried to talk about things I liked and stuff, and I tried to get to know them better but I kept talking about the losers, I couldn't help it but, eventually they all left. First Lucas and Max, they walked home. Then Dustin, he biked. Then Eleven, she got picked from her dad who is apparently the chief of police here in Hawkins. Then Will who got picked up by his brother.


I already miss the losers so much, especially Eddie. Texting and all that is all I have which sucks.
I just wanna be able to actually hang out with them  They're probably having fun at the quarry or something right now.

Eddies POV:

This sucks. We all miss Richie so much. Me and the losers wanted to hang out and have fun but all we were doing is sitting in Bills living room trying not to cry. We're all so upset. Richie was meeting Mikes friends today so we couldn't facetime or call him yet.
I hate it.
What am I gonna do without Richie? He's gotten me through so much. He's gotten us all through so much. Even though he can be annoying, his jokes always make us smile and he always brings light and laughter to the group. The thing is I've sort of had a crush on him for awhile now. I haven't told anyone.
Not even Stan and besides Richie I'm the closest with him. I'm too scared to tell anyone and I'm pretty damn sure Richies straight.


We were all sitting on Bills bedroom floor.

"W-well this s-s-sucks." Bill says.

Everyone nods.

"We really need some distractions." Mike replied.

"Yeah but it's too hard, I mean what are we gonna do without Rich?" Bev asks.

"No idea." Ben adds.

We all sit and mope around. A few tears come out of everyone. Eventually we agree to just be alone with ourselves for now so everyone goes home.
I leave second, after Ben. I slowly trudge home on my bike. My thoughts are fucked.
I don't know how the group is gonna get through this. I mean I know we'll be fine eventually but this definitely is gonna be hard to get used to, not having our Richie around.
I get to my house. I slowly open and close the door.

"Hi Eddie bear how was the park with Ben?" My mom asked.

I had to lie to her...she hates all my friends except for like Ben really and kind of Stan. So I said I was just hanging out with Ben at the park for a bit.

"It was fine Ma." I reply and walk up the stairs.

"Hey don't forget you have to take your meds in an hour." She yells up to me.

"Yeah I know." I yell back down and roll my eyes.

I go into my room, plop down on my bed and sigh.
I felt so tired and weak so I decided to take a little nap and forget about everything for awhile

Alright guys sorry this was short and it sucks
much love

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