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Richies POV

When the boy who had the same face as me came downstairs I was in shock. I wanted to "say who the actual fuck is this and why does he have my face", but I just stared, In major shock.

"Richie...." my mom starts and smiles.
"This is mike your twin." She finished in an uncertain way. Mike smiled.

"T-t-twin???" I stuttered.

"Twin." Mike said.

"Oh my god this is not for real is it?" I say in compete awe.

"It is." Mike says to me, man his voice even sounds pretty much like mine.

"Care to explain?" I say looking back and fourth from Mike to my mom.

"Well, this is your twin Michael, me and your father split up while I was still pregnant with you two...it was a whole mess when I gave birth and you ended up staying with your father and he moved to Derry...that's where his mother lived, she passed when you were only little which is why you probably don't remember her but apparently she lived with you and your father until she passed and that's when your father turned...well awful." My mom explains.

I slowly nod trying to take it all in. A few seconds of awkward silence goes by.

"I can't wait to hear all about you Richie but, why don't you go with Mike and he can explain some more and show you your room, you'll be sharing a room with Mike." my mom said.

I nodded and picked up my things and followed Mike upstairs into his room.

"Okay is this for real?!" I yelled loudly now walking into the room.

"Yeah, yeah it is." he said sighing with a little laugh.

He explained a little more about how we got separated at birth and all that. I looked around the room. It was pretty nice, two beds, two dressers,
a TV, a nice desk, a bean bag chair, and a bunch of gadgets and comics and stuff.

"You can put your clothes away in here" He said after a moment of awkward silence, pointing to a big dresser next to my new bed.

I pulled open my first drawer and put my socks and underwear away which seemed normal. Then I opened my next drawer. I only had a couple T shirts to put in. Then my last drawer, two pairs of jeans, one pair of sweatpants and a couple pairs of worn out shorts.

"What about my sweatshirts?" I asked.

"You can put your sweatshirts and other hang up stuff in my closet, we have to share that." Mike says.

I nod and go over, I hang my two sweatshirts I had and my jacket up.Mike looked at me a little concerned? Compared to him I didn't have much I guess.

"We're gonna get you new clothes don't worry."

"Oh, you don't have to it's fine really" I said shyly.

"It's okay we were already planning on it. We knew how Dad was, we didn't think you'd have much." he said.

I just looked at him.

"Oh jesus that was really rude wasn't it?" He mumbled getting worried.

I laughed a little and shook my head reassuring him.

"Well anyways" he starts.

"How was Maine? Derry was the town right?"

"Yeah, Derry it was great." I reply.

"I've always wanted to go to Maine...maybe I can come with you to visit sometime."

I smiled thinking about getting to see my friends face to face eventually.

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