27~calm down

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Richies pov

"Calm down R-richie." bill says to me trying to get me to relax.

Now I was the one freaking out.

"Calm down??? how am I supposed to calm down?"

"It's back, Bill it's back! what the fuck do we do?"

"I-I don't know-" Bill says.

I pace around my room freaking out still. 11:00pm

Just as I was freaking out Beverly comes rushing into my room. I look at her confused.

"Your dad let me in." she says.

"Guys, I hate to say it but I have to, I think it's back I'm getting a feeling." Bev continues to say, a terrified expression on her face. Bill immediately drops his face.bMe and Bill tell her everything Mike had said on the phone and what happened with Bill.

"We have to get the losers together, like right now." Bev says.

We nod nervously and tell everyone to meet at Bevs house as soon as possible. Even though it'll require some sneaking out from certain people because it's 11pm. With that we grab our shit and run out the door. I quickly tell my dad where I'm going then bolt. We all get on our bikes and peddle fast to bevs.
We get in, go down into her basement and wait for everyone. Everyone comes down one by one until all the losers were all here. When Eddie comes down I want to just give him all the attention in the world but as I'm nervous I give him a nervous smile. Then I look around and everyone has that same nervous look.

"Guys I'm just gonna fucking say it, I called my brother Mike last night and, he said he kept seeing weird shit like red balloons and Will keeps hearing a voice that says "new target" and Bill had a dream that someone was saying "new target" and that he knows them but their not too close." and Bev said she got that really deep feeling that it's back." I ramble as fast as I can.

Everybody looks at us and eachother terrified.
"No it can't be true, we killed it, and even if we didn't what about every twenty seven years?" Mike said.

"It is possible, I mean what if we didn't completely kill it last time?" Ben says.

"But I watched it die! We watched it die! It fucking vanished! It broke down how is it back it makes no sense!" Stan yells freaking out.

"I don't k-know how but it's b-back and w-we need to k-kill it again." Bill says.

"Are you fucking insane?" Stan yells causing Bill to frown.

"Stan come on its in Indiana! It's gonna try to kill my brother and his friends and they may know a lot about killing demon shit but they don't know how to kill a clown, especially with only like four of them."

"Okay first of all, there's six of them, second of all what do you mean they may know a lot about killing demon shit?" Stan says.

"I-never mind."

"Well what are we supposed to do go to Indiana? like that's ever gonna happen we're all too broke for that and like our parents would ever let us." Stan says.

"They'll come here. It'll follow them here and then we fight it here."

Everyone looked nervously at eachother and started to nod.

"This is fucking crazy." Eddie says quietly, quickly pulling out his inhaler.

"Eds calm down it's okay" I say trying to calm him down.
"Calm down?! CALM DOWN? Richie I love you to death but how the fuck as I supposed to calm down? I'm dead, I'm so fucking dead, I almost died last time! remember? oh my god I am so fucking dead this is crazy oh my god." Eddie yells. Stan nods and stays close to Eddie.

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