36~No stutter

340 13 3

a few days later

Richies POV

Me and Mike woke up for school. Break just ended and now I have to go back to public school which is just terrible because I really don't fucking want to.
But I dragged myself off my bed and got ready.
It was pretty cold so I just put on jeans and a long sleeved t shirt with a hawaiian shirt over it. I brushed my hair and teeth quickly and got my stuff together for school. The scariest part is that I went to this school for about a month or two before switched to online school and now I'm going back. I just find that awkward. But I got my stuff together and went off.

Bills POV (okay i don't do enough of other povs and i want stenbrough so enjoy this)

It's been a couple days since Richie moved to Indiana full time. It's been sad but it's getting better, I've just been trying to keep Eddie happy, I know how much he loves rich. Me and Eds were hanging out after school, just me and him. We were on a walk, going to the park. Once we got there we sat down on a picnic table.

"So h-how've you been, it's been a few days s-since Richie went to Indiana for f-full time."

Eddie sighs lightly. "It's tough, but I'll be okay, I text him and call him all the time." He replies.

I nod and take my phone out of my backpack because I heard it buzz. It was a text from Stan.

Stan :) : Hi billy

Me: Hi Stan :))

Stan :) : Wanna come over for a little bit? I kinda need to talk to you

Me: Yeah of course, I'll be there in a few minutes

"Hey Eddie um, S-stan wants me to come over, h-he n-needs to talk to me." I say to Eddie.

He looks at me and nods. He stands up from the bench and grabs his backpack.

"That's okay, Mike wanted to hang out with me anyways. I can just go spend a little time by myself before I meet up with him." He replies to me with a smile. We say goodbye and get on our bikes and go our opposite ways. I peddle fastly to Stans house. Me and Stan have been sneaking around. A couple months ago we confessed that we liked each other and we hung out a lot by ourselves, held hands and kissed and all that couple stuff. But we weren't officially a couple. And I think that's what Stan wanted to talk about. I parked my bike in Stans driveway. I went up and just as i was about to knock Stan opened the door.

"Hi." Stan said a little awkwardly to me. I smiled awkwardly.

He then grabbed my hand and brought me inside. His parents weren't home, so we sat on the living room couch. It was silent for a bit until Stan said something.



"I needed to talk to you." He said quietly.

"Okay." I replied softly. "B-but, in case it is th-this, can you tell me if this is because you don't l-like m-me?"

Stan shakes his head quickly.
"No of course not, I like you a lot, but the thing I wanted to ask, what is this?"

"Wh-what do you mean?"

"I mean, we like each other and all this stuff but we're not dating and we're hiding it from everyone, I can't keep doing this if it's not going anywhere." Stan says and his head drops.

"S-stan I l-like you a lot, I've been too scared to ask you out or t-tell people because I didn't know if you w-were ready, I'm sorry." I said sadly to Stan.

"Don't be sorry Bill, I just wasn't sure if you actually liked me, we've never had a deep talk about how we feel." He replied. I smiled and sighed a little.

"Of course I l-like you S-stan. And you wanna know my feelings? I like you a sh-shit ton okay? I think you're perfect and I've liked you for a long time, I love everything about you and I've been ready to date you forever, I was just w-waiting for you."
Stan smiles really big.

"So, date me?" He asked with a little laugh. I laughed a little and nodded.

Stan then grabbed my hand and looked at me in my eyes. I smiled and leaned it and we had the most perfect kiss I could imagine. When we pulled away I looked at him and without a stupid stutter I said,
"I love you."

"I love you too Bill."

I smiled and stood up. I grabbed his hand and pulled him off of the couch.

"Cmon." I said.

He looked at me confused, "Where are we going?"
I smiled at him, "Were g-going to t-tell the losers about u-us." He hugged me tightly then nodded and we went off.

Hey y'all sorry for this random chapter and i'm sorry it took me so long to get out.
But the truth is this is one of my last chapters. Next chapter will be the last chapter and it'll be really long.
much love

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