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Still Richies POV

I was in shock to hear my mom say those words.

"Y-you're serious?"

"Yes, I'm serious rich...we love you so much and would gladly have you stay here, but I know how much you miss Derry and your friends so it's up to you, and you don't have to decide now." she explains.

I sit and say nothing for a while. She starts to get up.

"Wait." I say.

"Can I ask you something?" I finish.

She sits back down and nods.

"What about Mike?"

"Well, Mike is staying here. He eventually wants to at least meet his father but right now he's not ready." she says.

I nod.

"So Mike knows about this?"

She nods.

That's why he was upset.

"T-thanks I'll think about it." I tell her and run up to my room.

Mike instantly looks at me.His face red from what seems to be crying.

"I just got a brother not even a year ago...I just wasn't ready to lose him so soon." he says.

I sit next to him and give him a big hug. I wanted to say I don't know if I'm leaving but I just decided to stay quiet. I don't even know what I'm gonna do.
But I guess Mikes pretty confident that I'm gonna decide to move back to Derry.I'm swarmed with so many thoughts, I have no idea what to do.


Later that night

Im sitting with my mom asking more questions.

"When would I move back? You know if I choose to."

"Well, I guess that's whenever your ready but you're father wants to know soon if you're coming." she explains.

I nod my head.

"Thanks I'll try to have an answer soon." I say getting up and running up to my room. Thankfully Mike left a couple hours ago to hang out with Lucas or someone. I grab my phone.
I have to talk to one of the losers, and I know Eddie would get way to excited and then crushed if I didn't end up moving back. So I decide to call the one person who always listens and has the best advice.
I text her first


Me: Bev r u alone and free to talk???

Bev: yea what's up

Me: Call me

Soon after I hear my phone ringing.

"Hey rich what's up?" she asks.

"You're alone right?"

"Yes I'm alone." she says confused.

"I can move back to Derry."

"Oh my god Richie really? That's great-''
I cut her off.

"No Bev it's not great!"

"Woah Rich slow down why isn't it great?" She says kind of loud into the phone.

"Because Bev, I have to make a decision...I miss you guys so much and my dad is better, but I love it here, I mean I have a real caring family, and it's hard to think about leaving Mike."

She sighs into the phone.

"Whatever you do don't tell Eddie I'm thinking about moving back. Actually don't tell anyone else."

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