9~whats el gonna say?

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Mikes POV

I sat on the floor of Will Byers bedroom. We've been friends for so long. Hell, he was my first friend and I thought I had a crush on him when we first met because we met at such a young age and I didn't know that liking boys was "different".
I always sort of try not to think about it because I'm afraid I'll catch those feelings again. But why should I be scared? If I like will I like Will, but something's holding me back. First of all, what everyone would think and Eleven, if I'm dating Will wouldn't she be mad because I'm her ex? I mean Wills mom and Els dad are petty close so Will and El are pretty close and so that would be awkward right? Why am I worrying about it, Will doesn't like me anyways I thought to myself.
But do I like Will?
Just as I was thinking all these things Will woke up.

"Oh hey Will." I said trying to be causal.

I could feel my face burning with embarrassment? Feelings? Fear?

"You seem dense, you okay?"
I froze.

"huh? oh I mean yea, yea I'm f-fine." I somehow managed out.

"I know it's sort of early, but we should get you home."

I smiled, "Yeah, I guess that'll be good."

Richies POV

I couldn't stop thinking of  'the truth'
I woke up hella early today, well early for me.
Now that everything is straightened out with Lucas and Dustin, and me and Eddie are good, the only other stress is whatever Mike and the others were talking about. I was planning on asking Mike about it when he got home from Wills but I remembered he said that not everyone in the party was "ready to tell me" but I think it's just Lucas who's not ready, he seems to hate me. I shrugged it off for now and decided to text eds.


Me: Hey Eddie bear

Eds: Do you mind sticking to one name for me? How about Eddie

Me: Nah, love you to much for that

eds: Thats not how it works

Me: whatever edwardo, how've you been since last night?

Eds: Fine, but I did want to apoligize, I over reacted and acted like a baby, I'm sorry.
I didnt wanna stress you or anything, but I was really upset with myself

Me: Hey It's fine, you're fine, I'm fine so, its all good

Eds: Thanks, you calm me down Rich, I couldn't thank you enough

Me: Just doing my job, being a good girlfriend

Eds: Excuse me?

Me: What?

Eds: Girlfriend?

Me: Well, do you wanna be the girlfriend?

Eds: no...there is no girlfriend, we're both dudes, boyfriends

Me: If you say so

Eds: Right now I'm wondering why I'm dating you

Me: ;)

Eds: I gtg take my pills

Me: Eds you really have to stand up to her you don't need them

Eds: Richie I'm not having this conversation now 

Me: Okay, sorry eds :(

Eds: It's all good Richie, but I gotta go

Me: okay eddie ❤️

Eds: ❤️ I'll text you later

Eddie doesn't need those pills. His mom is messed up. I find my attitude growing to be upset.
Not now Richie not now I think to myself.
As if on cue mike walks in.

Mikes POV

I walk in on Richie looking at his phone and he looks hella upset.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing just Eddie and his um home life." he replied with a frown.

"Oh I'm sorry Rich, anything I can do?"

"No, I just got upset in the moment I'll be fine, how was Wills?" He asks.

I wasn't going to ask anymore so I nod my head and then had to tell him about Wills. On my walk home I really started thinking I may like him.

"It was good, but I need advice."

He nodded.

"How did you know you liked Eddie?"

"Oh well, I guess it was different then what most people feel." he replied.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, when I was like five me and Eddie became best friends, we were in kindergarten and thought we only needed each other so it stayed like that until second grade when we met Bill and Stan but that's besides the point." he trailed off.

"Okay continue."

"Well, in about fourth grade I knew I've always loved him, like as a friend and I didn't think it was weird because I also loved Bill and Stan and they loved me because we were best friends right?" He continued.

I nodded.

"Well, in like sixth and seventh grade I started knowing I liked him, I realized how he was special to me in a different way than Stan and Bill and the other losers and it all just sort of happened you know? My feelings progressed." He explains.

"Yeah I get it." I said happily with a nod.

"Why do you ask?" He asked me.

"Okay so don't tell anyone but I might have a little Crush on Will."

He smiled so wide I couldn't even imagine.

"Oh my god!" He said loudly.

"It's nice to finally tell someone." I said.

We laughed.
I like will Byers. What's el gonna say?
Well, I don't care. What's Will gonna say? I do care about that.

Bdjejebjrjrrjr hope u enjoyed
much love

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