Niall's Angel

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Hi, I'm Astrid from Belgium. I'm writing this story thanks to Noah from The Netherlands who wrote 'Did one direction just drove my out of the way?'. Because of her i know now that you don't have to be english to write a fanfic :) Please comment, rate or whatever. (just don't be to hard on me i'm pretty young). Noah, if you read this, I hope your not mad becaus my characters name is Noah too. I just really love the name .

Xxx Astrid


Noah's P.O.V

Why am I crying? I don't have a reason to cry. I'm just a stupid 13 year old girl in Belgium. There's nothing wrong with my life. My parents treat me well, I have enough friends, Get good grades. Still tears are streaming down my face. I'm such a dramaqueen. Luckely it's raining, No-one notices my tears. I'm running trough the city, All alone. While the wind is playing with my long blond hair. The raindrops comfort me in a way no one else can. They make me feel calm and patient. Everything I'm not right now. But then they start streaming harder. Almost piercing my skin. Dear rain, Please help me. I don't want to feel this way. I start running even harder, My eyes pointed on the ground. Harder. Faster. Harder. Faster. I'm on top speed right now. Then I feel my legs colliding somewhere. I lose my gravity and collapse to the ground. 'Till someone wraps his arms around me. I look up, Facing the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. I'm facing Niall Horan. "You-You're N-N-Niall Horan" I mumble, Crying the last tear.

Niall's P.O.V

I see a girl running into me. Move Niall, Move! But I keep my place. Waiting for her to hit me. Then we collide. And The only thing I can do is wrap my arms around her. She's young. 13-14 years old maybe. She looks up in my eyes. "You-You're N-N-Niall Horan" She mumbles. Her beautiful eyes are red from crying and her lips are blue. But  above all, She's freezing. She must've been running for a while now. "Yes, My name is Niall" I answer her. "What's yours?" "Noah" She whispers. I think that's the only thing she can do right now, whisper. I loosen my grip and she stands up. I take her hand, leading her to a bench standing a little further. "Why are you crying love?" I hear myself say. "I don't know, I don't have a reason to." She says. I have to bend closer to understand her. We sit next to eachother for while, just sitting in the rain. "Tell me a little about yourself." I ask, trying to understand this little girl. Well little, She looks tall for her age. "I'm 13 and I grew up here in this town. I play the guitar, But only notes, And a little piano. I love your music and I don't have a reason to be sad at all." Her voice is so beautiful. We start talking about music and I tell her about the lads. Our conversation stops and I notice she's been shivering for I while. I got caught up in our talking and so did she I guess. Her lips are blue and her face is pale. Even paler than before I mean.

I lift her up and start walking towards or hotel. "Hey! What are you doing?! Put me down Niall!" She tries to yell, Tries. Noah starts struggeling to get back on her feet, But I see she enjoys the warmth of my body. She really is freezing. "I'm taking you to our hotel. So stop struggling before I drop you." "No" She protests. "I can walk, You've seen it yourself." "Love, I like carrying you. And I really want you to meet the lads. Just work with me for a second. Please." I beg, putting on puppy eyes. I notice she hesitates, So keep looking her in the eyes. "Okay then." She says, Still very quiet. I hold her close, Trying to warm her up. I look at her. She layed her head against my chest.  I'm holding a 13 year old girl I''ve never seen before. I don't want to let her go. She's so cute, and small, and light. I continue my way to our hotel. It isn't very far, 100 yards away maybe. We arrive at the hotel. "Will you put me down now?" She whispers. I hesitate. I want her to stay in my arms, Forever. But, She can't. She has a life too. She told me about. So I put her down. She's still shivering. "Are you sure the boys won't mind you taking a girl to the hotel?" Damn, I hadn't thought about that yet. Louis won't mind, Neither would Liam or Zayn I guess. I hope Harry likes her too. They have to, Right? She's the cutest girl I've ever seen. Not as a girlfriend, But more as a little sister. The boys are just going to have to accept her. She's mine now. "Don't worry, They'll love you, Just like I do." She nods, But I can see she's not very convinsed. She looks so insecure. I take her inside. "Guys, This is Noah!" I yell. The lads come to the living room, Trying to hide their confusion. She starts blushing and tries to hide herself behind me. "Hi Noah, My name is Louis." Louis says, enthusiastic as always. "She knows that Louis. She's a directioner. A young one though." I say, trying to get her from behind my back. "Niall, Can I talk to you for a sec?" Liam asks me, Pulling me to the kitchen.

"Dude What are you doing? You can't just take a girl to our hotel. What if her parents think you kidnapped her?" He asks me, trying not to yell. "Chill out. Her parents are working, She messaged them. Come on, Can't you see how cute she is? I had to bring her here. She's freezing. Why can't I just keep her?" I beg. "We''ll discuss this later Niall!"

Louis P.O.V

I can't believe Niall brought a girl to our hotel. She is kind of cute though. Niall left to the kitchen and now she's akwardly standing there at the door. Poor girl. "Come over here Noah, Tell us a little about yourself." She walks a little closer. She has been crying, I notice now. Why would she cry? She nods and starts telling us about herself. You can see she has to try her best to talk loud, But you can still barely hear it. The more this girl says, the more I love her. Our Irishman did a great job. I look at her again. Blond her, Pale face, Slightly blue lips, Wet from the rain. Shit. She must be freezing. "Give me your coat. Your all wet." She hesitates a little. "Come on." Zayn supports me. I give him a thankfull look. She takes of her coat, Revealing a striped dress. It's black and white and it totally suits her. I take her coat, laying my hand on her back. She IS freezing. "Noah, Your freezing! How long have you been out in the rain?" I ask her, Blaming myself for not noticing it. "About 2 hours." She answers after looking at her watch.

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