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Getting ready to head out the door for work, Dave quickly stopped me. Recapping from last night, we made it pretty clear where our relationship stands, and if he wants to be friends, then let him have it. Trust me, deep down inside, I'm still somewhat hurt, even though he did seductive things to me last night.

For some odd reason, I feel like he's hiding more than what I already know.

"Ma, don't forget ya coffee," handing cup to me, he stretched his body as a minty scent escaped from his mouth once he yawned.

"T-Thanks, don't forget to lock up please...tell Kairi good morning when she rises, okay?" turning back towards him, a smirk appeared across his lips which faded into a half smile.

"You know I got it..but, have a good day today mama, keep the cash flowing," wrapping an arm around my hip, he pulled me in and caressed my chin with his finger pulling me towards his lips.

Seeing his eyes lightly close, I pulled away, quickly pulling the door knob, opening it up and heading on the other side.

"Yeah, I'll see you later...call me once you go to closing on the shop..bye," with that being said, I had my coffee in one hand, and my broad handbag in the other.

I swear, when it comes to him, I don't know what it is...he's just something.


Riding through town, I heard my phone ring through the speakers on my car. Realizing that it was Regina, I answered.

"Hey love, how you feeling today?" remembering that she took a few days off from work, I hope she feels a bit better about the whole Sean situation.

"I'm feeling better, went out for a morning jog just to clear my mind..did you wanna do something fun tonight?" keeping my hands in motion of the wheel, my eyes were focused on the road.

I giggled lightly before tucking a light strand of hair behind my ear, "Please don't tell me it involves getting drunk and partying cause I'm not trying to deal with a hangover tomorrow on my day off."

She scoffed,"Bitch please..the last thing I need is for Dave to start barking up my tree.."

My body began to feel nervous and my heart was tempted, "Yeah about him.." stopping at the red light, I rested my hand on the arm rest.

"PARKER! Please tell me ya'll ain't calling it quits? Do I gotta go beat some ass cause you KNOW how this heffa rolls. What did he say to you to make you upset?"

"Regina calm your ass down, nobody did nothing to anybody. I know this may sound cliche or even crazy.." my foot began to ease off of the breaks and onto the gas petal.

"Girl, go ahead, it can't be that bad."

I took a deep breathe, "I know we've been talking for a couple weeks and all, but I feel like he doesn't know what he wants."

"What makes you say that?" she questioned.

"I told him to take things slow and I know he's adjusting, but whenever we're together, he just wants to feel up on me at times, and I don't know if that's going too far in the dating stage, is it? We've only been on what, ONE date. Last night he said we're just friends and this morning he tried to kiss me!"

The car was silent for a moment before she spoke, "Chile, maybe he just wants a taste of you and love isn't always a manual P, you just gotta go with what you feel. If you feel like it's going too fast, let him know. The fact that he tried to kiss you this morning after saying ya'll are 'just friends' shows that maybe he's probably in it for sex..."

Love Me Naked|Dave EastWhere stories live. Discover now