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8:15 P.M

Minutes past and the Ring doorbell notified me that her car was outside making my ass have to get up and straighten up the coffee table a bit before hearing her ring the door bell. If she was smart, she would've used the spare key underneath the mat that we still have. We left it there for when we were moving in and never picked it back up.

"Coming!" pulling up my sweatpants and scratching my chest that was itching, I walked over to the door and seeing her completely soaked trying to cover up underneath a broken umbrella. Seeing her shiver like a cat made me laugh before stepping to the side.

"Yo ass looking wild tryin' look cute with a broken umbrella. Dollar Tree is just down the road and I know you got change in ya car," watching her walk in on the mat to take off her shoes and take off her coat to hang in the closet, I took the umbrella from her and set aside for her before going to the laundry room and getting a blanket for her to wrap in.

"Don't give me that blanket, those are supposed to be sent to the dry cleaners from Lord knows how long," taking it from me, she folded it up properly making me put my hands up in mercy and laugh a lil bit.

"Damn then, I just saw them and thought they was for regular use. Dang P, we broke up for how long and you still acting like you run shit?" nudging her elbow, I watched as walked to put it away as I walked into the kitchen and sit up on the counter.

"Kairi, guess who's here?" smiling over at her sitting up in the couch, she ran over to me then to Parker once she came out of the laundry room. Giving her a big hug, I quickly got up to go back by the front door to grab the plastic bags of popcorn to set my the counter.

"I missed my little marshmallow," attacking her with kisses, Parker picked up Kairi bringing her to the couch while I set up the snacks for the three of us. Bringing it to the coffee table and go back for drinks.

With a glass of red wine for Parker and a glass of chocolate milk for Kairi, I sat them down before sitting back in my regular spot, now in between Kairi and Parker. Nothing felt uncomfortable and I felt fine.

"Thanks," hearing her voice made me turn my head and smile back over at her before glancing back at the TV and grabbing the remote.

"Alright, we already watched an animated movie, now do you want to roll the dice to see what type of movie we watch next?" picking up a regular dice, my hand moved towards Parker to take it from me.

She gave me a smirk and took the dice out of my hand, "I'll take the challenge, but if we pick something dumb I'm rolling again. I don't care about the rules cause you rolled twice before when I went to the kitchen to find the number for the Chinese place."

Feeling shocked, Kairi looked over at me with her mouth wide open and her hand on her chest, "Daddy that's unfair!"

Parker and I laughed before shaking my head, "Ion know why you acting surprised when you was the one who told her that I cheated." This little girl will tell on you in a heartbeat and act like she ain't do shit to you, but it's all good.

"Nuh uh," folding her arms, she giggled trying to hold back that lie before the two of us turned to see Parker shuffle the dice in her hand before landing a four on the coffee table.

Picking up the note card that had the movie genres for different numbers, the number indicated comedy. Looking over my shoulder, the scent of her perfume still lingered and it was divine.

"Comedy it is, how about a simple movie, Ride Along?" moving away from me, I nodded before moving over to my movie collection and placed the CD in the DVD player and waited for the movie to start. Rushing up the steps, I wanted to get a new blanket for all of us to share since the other ones needed to be washed.

In addition, I put on a shirt because my ass was extremely cold. As I made my way back downstairs and everyone had a little piece of the blanket, the movie was rolling and we was throwing popcorn back in our mouths like it was nothing.

Throughout the movie, I locked eyes with Parker and we did share a few laughs together making me think about all the good times. Ain't gon lie, a nigga had his arm resting around the couch, just inches away from her shoulder.

A nigga wanting that ole thing back for sure.

10:00 PM

Just as the movie was over, I turned seeing Kairi knocked out with a popcorn kernel in her hand, making me slowly get up to pick her up to bring her off to bed. I raised my finger up to Parker to give me a minute to put this poor child to bed.


As Dave went up to put Kairi off to bed, I grabbed the glasses and his half full beer bottle over to the kitchen. Heading over to the sink, I began to wash the glasses after pouring the remainder beer down the drain.

Grabbing the sponge and adding a light amount of soap, I rubbed the glasses before turning on the pipe and letting the water run along them before putting it on the other side of the sink. Ripping off a paper towel, I wiped down the sink and threw the napkin away along with the beer bottle.

Moving back towards the coffee table, I closed up the tin of popcorn and placed it in the pantry that barely had much snacks. Dave needs to go shopping for Kairi cause the animal crackers are almost done and she'll throw a fit if he don't buy more.

Closing the pantry door, I sat over by the bump out on one of the stools scrolling through my phone. I had text Regina that I would be over Dave's for movie night and Malcom was texting me throughout the day.

Gina🤪💖: *sings Girls Need Love* You just need some dickkk! Call me when you wind up with a baby

Mal☺️: It don't matter, just wear something casual, no biggy😅. You look amazing in everything😍😍

Once I replied to the both of them, Dave's footsteps made its way closer to me. Turning around, there he was facing me with that same look he gave me when we first met. Don't get me wrong, Dave is forever going to be handsome, but I can't bring myself to give him another chance just yet.

"It was a nice movie," semi-smiling at me, I brushed it off and shrugged my shoulders. The movie was okay in my opinion. Feeling Dave become so close to me brushed over a gut feeling that I didn't want to feel.

"Yeah, it was," with my back pressed up against the table and my feet dangling from the seat, I could feel my hands sweating and my pressure rising.

Just then, our lips touched once again, but this time it had a different feeling. This felt magical and real. Pulling me off of my feet, I felt him pick me up and gripping onto my bare ass before moving his lips to my neck planting sweet nothings everywhere.

My body felt weak, but this wasn't right and I couldn't go any further. Stopping him and pulling him away, he set me down before licking his lips.

"Parker I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that." As he began to hold my arm, I pressed my hand against his chest.

"I have work in the morning, so it's probably best if I go," getting up, I walked away from him and went towards the closet and got my jacket from off the hook before putting it on and holding the door knob with my hand before turning to see Dave's face one more time.

"I love you," those three words escaped from his lips.

Love was something I thought was over between us, but can it be crawling back to me?

"Good night Dave," opening up the door, the rain stopped so I walked towards my car to open the door, hop inside, and start it up as I reverse down the driveway.

I can't go back down that road with him, not again.

Sorry guys I'm back with two chapters. Anyways, Dave making moves and I think that kiss might draw them closer..maybe. I just hope they speed up the process cause damn. Look at me talking like my dumbass ain't the author😂 Anyways, what do you think will happen within the next couple of chapters? Let me know and I might incorporate some of your ideas. Welp, see y'all in the next chapter 💞

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