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"A celebration to a great group of strangers who I'll enjoy calling my friends, and to Marshall for a kickass job like this. So when tomorrow comes, we put our thinking caps on and we MAKE change people, how bout that?" Miles shouted eagerly once we all got settled in the home and made our way through the doors.

Ignoring his words, all of us wandered around the place, but I decided to head upstairs to find a room to put my stuff in before anyone else could claim mine. Just as I opened up a door, there was a light grey carpet covered along the flooring, in white wall planks, the room felt so elegant as it was coated in white and grey. There were matching white night stands on either side of the bed and a nice queen sized bed.

The closet space was good enough for me to manage, and another door led me to a jack and jill bathroom. I'd rather Jennifer take this room over any of the other guys.

No worries Parker, you're here to work and do your job. Distractions are the last thing you need on this trip considering what's going on back in New York. Speaking of which, I should open up Dave's gift. Thinking back, he did say to open it when I get to a stable place.

As I unpacked my belongings, it was right to get myself straightened out. Once closing the room door and putting away what needed to be in drawers, I heard a knock come from the bathroom door on my side. Luckily, I changed off into something more comfortable, an olive green tank tap and black leggings.

"Anybody in here?" listening closely to the voice, I recognized that it was only Chris, who only knows what he wants. Opening up the door there he was standing over top of me as if he was the giant of the world.

"Oh so you're my roomie now, in that case, ion got any ground rules, and don't worry ma, I respect ya privacy." In his hand he had a travel kit with all his bathroom essentials getting ready to place them where he wanted.

"I don't care, just try to clean up after yourself, alright?" Setting things straight between the two of us needed to be straight if we're going to be a door apart for a week straight.

Hopefully he's not some creepy weird guy.


The day was slowly getting darker, and everyone wanted to interact with one another except me. I was tired and it was 6:45 p.m. Don't get me wrong, they are nice people, I'm just really tired from the flight.

Walking down the steps, my feet shuffled towards the kitchen as my throat felt dry. Shifting my body towards them, in the living room, they either had their laptops out looking over documents for older or new clients, but Miles and Chris were playing Scramble.

"Dude, I win! Admit, I can spell better.." tuning them out, I just wanted a cold glass of water and go back to working on my case or sort my life out piece by piece. In all honesty, the two of them take the same amount of time!

"Look who it is. Hi Parker," Miles waved at me and I returned the gesture before looking over at Chris then heading back upstairs. Chris is an okay guy, but I feel like there's a weird vibe about him. Maybe it's just me, Ion know.

Setting the glass of water down on the nightstand, the box appeared to be right next to it, so I decided to see what Dave got me that was so personal.

Opening up the box, it was a small key. A key? It wasn't a car key, just a regular gold one. Trying to fit all the pieces together, made me realize that Dave bought the house for us, but I'm also wondering if he's using that as bait to get me back in his life.

The thing is, I've been cheated on multiple times and when you feel all that pain and hurt, how do you know if someone else won't do the same? I don't like to compare Darrien and Dave, but what happens if I let my guard down one last time?

After all the things I've done for Dave, for him to blow everything back up in my face by letting a stripper come between us is foul. The next time I see that prick, God forbid I will have some words for her.

Putting the small box in my back pack, I grabbed my computer and began to log into my Netflix account to see that Dave's name popped up as an account member. Skipping past it, I began to watch Jane The Virgin as I plugged my headphones in.

One hour and thirty minutes later, I grew tired and wanted to go to bed. Putting everything away, my feet shuttled to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. Just as I opened up the door, there was Chris fulled naked, making me immediately close the door once our eyes met.

"Oh shit! My bad Parker, I ain't mean to...fuck." Feeling aggravated, I could tell he was embarrassed, so I slid down the door and closed my eyes while taking deep breaths.

We were both silent for a few minutes before he slid down on the other side of the door. "You wanna talk? I'm a great listener," the two of us chuckled before I shrugged my shoulders and went on a long rant about my situation with Dave.



Ever since my eyes caught Parker today at the airport, I miss her more than ever. The only thing that brushes past my mind are all the times we've had sex and seeing her flawless naked body colliding against mine.

I made a damn fool out of myself yes, but I pray for forgiveness because I know somewhere in Parker's heart, deep down she still loves me. There's no denying what we have and I don't want that with another woman.

If I have to apologize a million times or even stay a whole week away from her, it will kill me but I'll do it. I feel like a crack head going through withdrawal, that's how bad my body NEEDS Parker right now.

It's late at night, Kairi is back home and we went out ice skating today to get Parker off my mind, plus we went to a little coffee shop to get pastries, hot chocolate, and she got to see one of her friends while we were there.

Seeing my baby girl happy is what makes me smile, so I try to push Parker to the back of my mind for the time being.

Here I am in the garage of my old home still working on my car cleaning up the inside realizing it's all set and ready to go. Of course, I'll save the drive for me and Parker, only if she come back. Finishing everything up, I went back inside to wash my hands. Grabbing a paper towel to dry my hands, I decided to just roll up a blunt and sit back.

All this stress over one female, Lord help me.

The Next Day

Getting ready to clock in for work, it was just me inside the shop before everyone else, just as I opened up the register to check the money, three men with masks came inside pointing guns at me.

"Give me the money!"

Hey guys, first off I want to say thank you for being so patient with me and second, I appreciate you all. Now, although Parker and Dave have their issues, I'm glad Parker is opening up her problems with Chris. This chapter may seem a little bland now, but it will get spicer down the road, no worries. People are out to rob Dave? Really? He better strap up and show em who's the REAL boss. Anyways, let me go type up the next chapter, see you guys in the next chapter💞

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