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"Ready to put these bad boys in the oven?" Laughing at Kairi, she began to lick the giant spoon that had confetti cake batter all over it. Today at her NEW school, there will be a bake sale to renovate the gym and I thought, why not pitch in?

The daycare that she was at got shut down due to one of the teachers being a child molester and my baby girl ain't having all that. She's going to Harvey Lee Academy which is only ten more minutes out of the way, but it is only twenty minutes from our new home.

Dave and I will be going to closing very soon, and why not make Kairi get familiar with her surroundings and meeting new kids? At the school, they are already teaching the children addition, subtraction, spelling, and even writing sentences.  Now, even though Kairi teaches herself when she's home, this child is trying to teach herself division and it's crazy.

Dave is off at the shop and he said that he would meet us at the bake sale when he gets off early from work. I mean, even though he's the boss, sometimes I wish he would act more of like a boss and not an employee. He works double than the rest of the guys and sometimes they sit back and act lazy.

Hearing the oven beep, I simply opened up the oven before grabbing the trays of cupcakes and putting them in the middle rack. Only twenty more minutes to go at three hundred and fifty degrees.

Grabbing the bowl and spoon from Kairi, my finger dipped inside the bowl to wipe some of the batter on her nose before heading over to the sink and washing up all the dishes.

"You ready to move into our new home?" Rubbing the sponge around the spoon while the water was running, the batter was coming off and soap was being applied.

"Yes!" Jumping up and down, she ran over towards the couch and plopped on it.

Shaking my head, a notification from my laptop appeared and I turned my head around to glance at it. Terry was faxing me over another contract for us to fill out. When i tell you those things are annoying, it'll be worth it in the end.

Since Dave didn't have much of a great credit score, I dug deep before Stan told me that he would only have to get a card, make payments, and pay the bill on time to build up his credit score. Since we've been doing so, it helps out a lot and when the shop goes in his name, it'll take off some stress.

If we're being honest, this house is the only thing Dave has to his name and the bills of course. The only thing is that he paid it off somehow which he won't dispose of. I don't dig into his finances, cause all of that ain't my business, so I let it go.

I just pray our future soars through the roof.


"Thank you so much for fixing my brakes Dave, bless your soul. It's good guys like you is what makes this world better," Ms. Mable gave me a smile as I printed out a receipt for her and handing it to her.

She is a loyal customer and sometimes on her days off, she'll come down to the shop with baked goods for me and the guys. When I tell you, she's a sweet ole lady with a good heart. She drives a little silver Toyota Camry, but whoever fixed her breaks previously made them too tight. With Relly fixing them for her, I didn't charge her much.

"Have a good day ma'am," smiling at her, I waved as she slowly walked out of the shop before I looked down at my watch to notice the time. It was close to me getting ready for the bake sale at Kairi's school.

Walking back to the garage, I continued to do small work with the guys by changing one of the customer's tires for him before letting Daisy ring him up. The time was dawning down on me quicker than I knew and I wouldn't want to miss anything.

Love Me Naked|Dave EastWhere stories live. Discover now