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Once Raven left, I had to go pick up Kairi from school. At this point, she's the closest thing to my heart and gonna be the only one to put a smile on my face. Getting inside the car, I checked my phone to notice that I had nearly five missed calls from Parker and two from Kairi's school. Oh no, I gotta go.

Getting inside the car and strapping myself in, I backed out of the driveway and sped off going  down the street before heading onto the interstate. Using phone, I called back Parker hearing the dial tone throughout the car.

"Yo Parker, what's up?" I kept my eyes focused on the road and held my ear out for her to say something.

"Dave why aren't you answering YOUR phone? I kept calling you because Kairi got sick and they called me since you weren't answering so I had to leave work. She has a high fever and stating her stomach hurts. I brought her to the hospital and they say she had a stomach flu, but I'm keeping an eye out for other symptoms. I have her here at Gina's."

I sighed in relief that my little baby is safe, but DAMN shit could've been worse for her.

"Alright, alright. I'm on my way, but thank you Parker," I gripped my hand on the steering wheel and she quickly hung up on me without even saying a word to me. Well damn, sorry for whoever stepped on your toes.

Driving for a little while later, I had pulled up to Gina's house and Parker's car was in the driveway. Once I pulled in behind her and got out, I closed my door locking it with the key before walking up towards the front door and rang the doorbell. Folding my hands together, I waited for a few seconds before she came to the door in a tank top and some sweats and her hair was up in a puff.

"Come in," making way for me, she stepped to the side as I walked inside. Moving towards the living room, she was knocked out sleeping on the couch with a fuzzy blanket over top.

"I gave her some tea and she was afraid to eat certain foods cause she would throw it back up. I cooked some soup for her to drink for when she wakes up. Dave this could've been worse and I wouldn't be able to reach you," walking over to me, she had her arms folded up and giving me a serious look.

"I realize, but thank you for taking her and I owe you one, I really do," before I could speak further, she cut me off.

"You don't owe me ANYTHING," I watched as she walked off towards the kitchen to check on the soup, leaving me to go over to my daughter and sit next to her. I messed up big time and I need to make things right before things get out of hand.

Just before I could get up and apologize to Parker, the doorbell rang and I could hear her footsteps from the kitchen, "Don't answer the door if you don't live here," walking up towards the door, I could hear the knob twist and the door open.

"Oh hey Malcom, what's up?" a light conversation began to spark from the door, but I couldn't hear much coming from outside. It all sounded like murmur and gibberish, but I kept my eyes on Kairi.


"Oh, hey I just came by with Miracle and there wasn't any formula powder for her and I didn't know which one to buy. I figured Regina would have some in stock, can I come in?" flashing me with a smile and holding the baby in one hand, he looked nice in his white v-neck and Levi jeans. He had worn some High OG Air Jordan 1s. Okay nigga come through with the flex, I ain't gon hate.

"Um, sure I guess," standing out of the way, I watched as he stepped into the house and closed the door behind him. Once he took his shoes off, I slowly made my way into the kitchen before making a stop in living area where Dave was and stopped.

Love Me Naked|Dave EastWhere stories live. Discover now