50 Part 2

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The pain I put Parker was unbelievably explainable. She had every fucking right to be pissed at me and seeing her cry was something I never thought was possible. I fucked up and there wasn't ANY way I could fix this now. The woman I love is now mad at me over a stripper in my past.

My heart told me to go follow her as she stormed upstairs and shut the door, but my feet shuffled only to the door, sitting down with my back facing the door to only hear her sob and cry.

It was only then, I realized, I made those tears and there wasn't anything funny about it. I need to blow off this mess and get my head right. After the crying died down, I'd figure she'd go off to sleep or something, so I headed back downstairs to see Kairi looking up at me with her teddy bear in her hands.

"Daddy, is everything okay?" Her puffy eyes were rounded and full of tiredness. Honestly, what do you tell a toddler when you're just going through a tough time? Parker took care of her when I was in the hospital and helped me get custody of Kairi. This little looks up to her as a mother figure, and I'm not even sure Kairi calls her "mom".

"Everything is gonna be fine princess, Parker and I are just going through a rough patch. It's all Daddy's fault and I just need to make things right," I bent down to her height sniffing as a small tear came down my cheek. I didn't even notice a nigga was crying until Kairi wiped it away.

"Can we buy her clothes to make it better? Oh! Maybe I can make my unicorn cards!" She began to giggle and smile, but if only she KNEW how serious this matter was. A card with glitter or some clothes wouldn't even cover a percentage of her forgiveness towards me.

"It's okay babygirl, that won't be necessary. Now, you wanna go stay with grandma tonight while I patch up things with Parker?"

She nodded before I followed her upstairs towards her room to grab her night bag and pack it up with clothes to sleep in and put on in the morning after she takes a shower. If needed, I wouldn't mind her staying over until Sunday honestly. Walking towards the bathroom, she went to go grab her toothbrush while I finished packing.

I know Parker doesn't want to talk to me right now nor is she in the right mindset to do so, but we have to do it one of these days. Yes, she cut me off during the argument, but honestly, I didn't know what to say and would end up bucking on words. There was nothing for me to say.

Once Kairi was all packed, we turned off all the lights in the house before putting on our jackets and shoes to head out the door.


"You got a lot of nerve doing her like that Dave, and I know damn sure my ass ain't raised you to be no fool." My mother hand her hand on the side of her hip as I spoke to her about the situation. With her head scarf around her head and in her pajamas, she was already tired and beginning to go to her bed. We were in the kitchen as Kairi was upstairs getting ready for bed.

"Mama, I understand that, but things went out of hand. You KNOW that I love Parker." My body lean over the island as she glanced over at me rolling her eyes.

"If you understand what you did, why put yourself in a deep situation? That poor ole girl did EVERYTHING for your ass and this isn't the kind way to repay her back. On top of getting you out of that drug mess, she shaped you into a man I've always wanted you to be. Now, tomorrow morning, you two need to sit down and talk this out like adults. You let church the girl Yasmine come in between your love with Parker. I tell ya boy, you young boys bout dumb as hell child," shifting away from me she went over to the tea kettle to boil tea.

"I preciate you watching Kairi for me. You know I'm gon make things right and make US a real family."

"Mmhm, just give her the space she needs to morn this over. She'll come around, but let me find out some shit went down again, I don't even want you stepping foot in this house unless you dropping off my baby. You have no right to let something like this happen again at all. Now, gon get and I'll see you whenever you get back. Be sure to call me."

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