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Waking up from my dream, I turned to look over at Dave who had his arms wrapped around me and his head was on the pillow. Last night was a nightmare and I swear to God I thought it was real, but it was just a dream.

Slowly making my way out of bed, it dawned on me that I should at least try giving my mom one last shot and try to find my dad. Yes, she put me through hell, but I must respect her at the end of the day.

Hopefully I can get Dave in on it and he can help me find my dad. For what it's worth, I can handle a civil conversation, I'm a therapist.

"Baybeh c'mere," growling from the bed, Dave only wanted me to come back to bed so he can grab my ass for five minutes then rub my thighs.

"I'm going to make breakfast for you and Kairi so either you following me in the kitchen or your ass staying up here," moving towards the bathroom, I grabbed my toothbrush from the holder, added toothpaste and dapped it in the water.

Once I got to brushing my teeth, I could sense Dave getting up from the bed, so I didn't pay him any mind. Letting a couple more minutes pass, I rinsed out my mouth and went on to washing my face with a cleanser and spraying rose water on my face.

"You are so extra mama," chuckling with laughter, I turned to see him taking off his durag to admire his braids. Sometimes i wonder what he'd look like if he took it off.

"Whatever, can I ask you something?" I added a few drops of Bio Oil to my hand before applying it to dark spots along my face.

"Go 'head baybeh," he began brushing his teeth while facing me.

I began to mention my dad to him and about our past and I only found it fair to go see him and wonder why he wasn't there for me all these years after mom forced him out.

"We can try to track the nigga down, but ion know if we gon find him. Did ya mom give you his number at least?"

Tracking back to when my mom saw me last, I believe she gave me a paper with his number on it, but I'll have to check my purses. Once I finished up my morning routine, I went underneath the sink to grab my spray bottle with water to not only wake up my curls, but I just wanted to start over with a freshly new style. Twist-outs are nice, but I'll probably have two braids off to the side to gather into a low bun.

"I'll have to check and see babe," grabbing my comb and other supplies I went to work on my hair and apply a new style. Dave walked out shortly after and started to make up the bed for us. Normally I do that, but I guess he's feeling froggy today.

Nearly ten minutes later, I completed the hairstyle and walked out of the bathroom to put on my fuzzy slides and make my way down towards Kairi's room. She wasn't there so I figured she would be downstairs with her daddy watching TV.

As I made my way down there, they were making breakfast for me.

"Daddy look who it is," seeing Kairi's sticky fingers coated in what seems to be red pancake batter made me smile. I know I was up in the bathroom, but for that long? Sheesh.


After having cheesecake red velvet pancakes, a fruit bowl, and bacon, the three of us gathered put on some clothes and headed on the road. I believe Dave's mom is having something over at the house so she invited us.

I believe that it's one of her lady's meetings where she talks to not only women in the neighborhood, but female family members and friends about love, relationships, and a bunch of other crap. My work schedule has been hectic for the past couple of weeks and now it's finally back on track. 

I called Regina as back up to come with so I wouldn't feel so left out. Not that i need somebody to come with me, I just would like her to experience this with me.

Love Me Naked|Dave EastWhere stories live. Discover now