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I began to feel hesitant as Chris asked me to go on a date with him. Considering the fact that I've put myself in a situation like this before, it would be best to do the right thing.

"C-Chris, I'm sorry, but I can't. I have way too much love for Dave and we have unfinished business that needs to be dealt with," I began to walk over on the passenger side of the car since I gave him the key earlier. My mood began to change drastically  as I stopped in my tracks hearing his snarky comment.

"Come on, really? I mean the nigga practically used you as bait. You help him learn how to walk, get his fucked up credit score high enough for a stupid mechanic shop, helped him gain custody of his daughter.."

"Which is why YOU should understand why I'm doing these things. Chris he helped me get out of a toxic relationship that I was blinded by. For crying out loud, he shows true love an affection, and he even bought a house for me! Yes, he fucked up by giving a girl head, but I gave head to an officer. Despite our wrongs, we love each other and I won't let anything stand in our way...not you, not Yasmine, not even this fancy ass job," I began to drift away to my thoughts.

Dave loves me and I love him, so why would I go miles away from a man that I love? On top of the work load I have in New York and what I'm doing out here, it's not worth it. Sometimes you gotta do the craziest things for the one you love.

"What are you talking about? Parker...where the hell are you going?" I began to run away from the parking lot with my backpack on heading towards a plaza that had a bus.

When you do morning runs on the weekends, nothing can stop you. I didn't even glance past my shoulder as my feet continued to speed towards that bus. Once I got onto the bus, I took out some cash to pay the bus man before telling him where I was going.

"Honey, you gotta go to the back and pull the string once I reach near your stop. Since you seem new and lost, I'll take you all the way there, it's only five minutes."

I smiled briefly at him before going to sit in the back. The bus wasn't as packed as much as I thought it would be, but I guess when it's only 2:30 p.m, not many people would be off from work, just school children being dismissed.


As I got back to the house, I made sure that while on the bus, I booked an emergency flight back to New York. Luckily, I got one that would be leaving within the next two hours. Noticing that I was the first person back at the house, I quickly packed up my things back in my carry-on and left my key on the coffee table.

Simon was our personal driver, and he was all ready to take me to the airport. Once my bag was on the Benz van, I saw the Jaguar that I drove this morning pull up. Chris better not try and stop me, so it was time to slide in the van as quick as possible before being seen. After getting in, I rushed Simon to quickly head off to the airport.

It was time to get MY man back and be by HIS side for good.

Finally getting to the airport was the easiest part, but trying to fight against time was a hassle, once I swept past security, it was already 3:45 and I just wanted to get to get to my gate.

Once getting to my gate nearly a thousand steps later, I crashed on a chair and waited. Of course, I had to male a phone call to Marshall and explain why I didn't want to be apart of the social group. Ya'll know I had to make up a lie saying it was too much for me to take on.

Surprisingly, she understood and I'm back to the daily grind of my regular job.  Sometimes the sacrifice is worth it in the end.

Hearing my gate being called, I grabbed my carry on getting ready to board the plane, then I took my seat and putting my airpods in my ears.

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