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Pacing back and forth with anger built up inside me, I could knock somebody out right now. I couldn't believe that ONE person who I thought was mutual, just crossed the line between me and Dave. Just think, why would you want to make ya mark on somebody?

Dave could've been dead for all we know and you want to hit him with ya car? I'm gon do what would be best, end his life. You try one of us, then we all gon go to war. He gon get what's coming to him, that's a real fact.

"Babe, why don't you relax for a little bit? Here, I went over to Starbucks and got you a hot coffee and a sandwich. Ion want you stressing too hard over this, please. When you start stressing, you know how you can get babe," Regina walked over to me sitting in a chair, rubbing my shoulder as she placed the bag and cup in my hand before kissing my forehead.

I understand she's looking out for me, but that's MY brother we talking, could've been dead and I would have no choice but to put a man six feet under.

Holding her close to me, I wrapped one arm around her ass with my finger tips placed on her hips. Inhaling her scent, my mind took an ease as I waited inside the shop for Parker. Mane, she need to hurry on up, but she gon be broken more than me once she find out.

"Thank you for what ya doing mama, 'preciate all you doing for me, even when a nigga don't deserve it. You began to ride for me after cheating and I stayed committed when I say it won't EVER happen again."

Smiling down at me, I took in her outfit as she wore a grey PINK sweat suit and some faux fur slides that were yellow. She must not know that it's cold weather 'ouchea in these streets. Should be lucky her ass got some boots in the car.

"Don't worry bout allat, just know that if you do it again, I'm gon slice that ass and you gon be sorry," chuckling lightly, she began to walk away from me as that booty of hers swished back and forth having me hooked like an addict. My oh my, she had a piece of a body on her. And I'm glad it's all mine.

Seeing the door open up, Parker came in walking over to me, giving me a light gesture. Nothing more than a hug to me and Regina was giving before she sat down. Taking a deep breath, my body turned towards her letting everything at ease.

"How he holding up?" clasping my hands together, my arms rested on my thighs before looking up at her, searching for an answer.

She began to grip onto the strap on her purse as her eyes looked up at me, in hear and trembling, which made me feel even WORSE for her.

The soft sounds of Regina's slides moving all around the place made the two of us turn our heads before she reached over to touch the top of Parker's hand. Reassuring her with comfort, made me love their friendship. Two sisters who support each other is dope.

"H-He's doing fine, adjusting very comfortably to me, but I can tell he's stressing and I think that I shouldn't have left him alone. Guys hurry up and tell me so I can just go please.." I could sense the impatience on P's face, so I shuffled along and sped up the process.

"Ma, ion know how to tell you this, h-honestly..I," getting cut off, I could tense Parker burning up, eager to know who did this to Dave. Yes, we all family, but she of ALL people deserve to know.

"Just save it and tell me who it is!" her anger made me frigid as she quickly rose up from the seat hovering over top of me with her face all up in my space. Well shit, Ian mean to jump on ya nerves so quick ma, it's aight. 

"Mug. None of us know his REAL name, but he was the one who got us all in the game. When meeting Dave for the first time, we got close and he showed me the ropes of how shit goes in the game. Mug was our boss and anything he says had to go or else our asses would get jumped..depending on how brutal the situation was. You know how many bodies vanished and funerals he's ever be the reason for? Mane.."

I began to shake my head just thinking back to my entire past and all the bitter things I've been through in the game. Dave was the strong one, but after seeing him form as a boss, I grew from that and grew beyond that shit.

I then continued, "Mug would put Dave through hell whenever he realized Dave's potential, before trying to do everything in his power to see him suffer. From messing with the money count or drug weight to even setting him up on busts that got Dave in jail, Mug was fucked up. Long story short, the mans served jail time and now he out and trying to get it in for D. Ion know the deep details as to why the crash happened, but we did some digging and he all over it."

Raising her hand to her head, her small nails maneuvered up and down as she scratched ha head, "I met someone named Joe Andrews who told me to call him Mug and then he gave me this weird smile, like he knew something about me or who I was.."

Fuck, this can't be good.

"Fuck! Okay, what you need to do is go home and do not leave the house under any circumstances. I'll have one of the boys come check ya'll to see if shit is going down well. Mug planning something, but Ion want you or Dave in that mess. Especially D, since he injured and can't defend for himself as much now. What I want ya to do is go home and tell Dave everything what happened here..if he don't corporate by staying home, call me. If anything shady goes down at Dave's house or glimpse of strange shit, pack up and drive to Regina's from there, I know what to do."

Even though it was much to take in, I NEEDED my Dave and his new family to be okay and safe. Yes, he can't stand up to Mug, but whatever got them heated, it's probably something Dave has, that Mug wants. I ain't gon let shit go down without a fight.

What's most important is that Parker lay's low.

She began to raise her voice, "Don't leave? I have a job on the line that puts food on the fucking plates in my cabinets. Not to mention, Dave's hospital bills are going to start piling up. You think I can just get up and say, "Oh, I'm not going into work today?" No! So I suggest you find this Mug nigga and end it because I can't just sit back and not work knowing that I got people to take care of."

"But Parker.." trying to persuade her, Regina was soon cut off my Parker who shift her body away from me and walk out towards the door then into her car.

Looking from out the window made me feel more upset. Us as a family is trying to protect each other and if it means loosing a job..that's just a price you gon pay. Dave got more than enough money to take care of Parker if she wouldn't be working. Yes, I understand her drive and hustle, but now you gotta put that life on pause cause niggas gon wanna come to try and shed blood.

Okay Sean, come through real quick! Yo I'm starting to like how I'm leggings different character have a point of view..y'all wanna see more of it? Oh, PSA: I'm ending the book around chapter 100 (if we go that far). Parker is in DEEP danger, so she better buckle up. I'd like to say thank you guys for all that you do and I truly love every last one of you guys and hopefully we can ride together til the wheels pop off❤️ See ya next chapter.

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