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It's been a week since Regina and the baby has been staying with me and Dave, but after Regina and Dave telling me the REAL reason behind all of this mess, I am definitely in disappointment when it comes to Sean. Poor girl has to go to work with the thought of mess like that on her mind? Needless to say, she got a baby too.

From what Dave's telling me, he called up SLime and the rest of the guys and they never knew about Sean's plans, but a few men have Sean at the warehouse and Dave states that they're gonna hold Sean until Gina decides what she feels is best.

In a way, I kinda don't think she should have a say so at this point in time. For one, he literally hit you like twice. He may not have raped her, but that's still abuse. I learned not never let a man put his hands on me, not even if it was family.

In addition to the situation, that is Miracle's father and Dave shouldn't kill his best friend. Yes, I know they're not friends anymore, but given the circumstances, Dave should be in prison right now, but he's not. He should just find a way for both of them to come to a common ground and Sean can still see his baby somehow.

Trying to take my mind away from this mess, I began to continue on my work from home. There was a leakage in all the pipes, but I still had to work from home. On the bright side, I slept in an hour early and Dave left me and Regina some breakfast before he and Kairi left.

Sitting at the coffee table with my Macbook in front of me and the coffee mug to my right, I was in the zone and focused. Typing up notes on my clients, I needed to get this done. As far as I'm concerned, I thought I'd be finished by last night, but Dave kept me up once he realized my period was gone.

Boy did he make me weak between the legs. I will say, I tried to tell him no cause I'm loud and Regina and Kairi are down the hall. Why did I tell him that? His ass still got down on is knees and spread my legs. Don't worry, it was a little something quick.

Just as I began to take another sip of coffee, I could hear Miracle crying. Aww, it's so adorable and nagging at the same time. With her being here allows me to really get the feel of wondering what it would be like to have a baby.

Hopping off from out of my chair, I quickly rushed over to the fridge to grab a freshly made bottle of Gina's breast milk to heat it up in the bottle warmer. Turning the knob on the warmer, I set it at the exact temperature before making my way upstairs to Miracle's room.

When Sean was gone, Peanut, Kentrell, and Mike helped Gina put not only the crib, but the baby's essentials into one of the guest bedrooms. Of course Gina has the other one next to it.

Just as I made my way inside of the cozy room, I grabbed her soft fluffy blanket that I bought her and placed it on my shoulder. It was grey and little mini elephants on it. Once she saw me, her big eyes stared at me and the tears began to fade away before she murmured gibberish while squirming in her pink onesie.

Lightly picking her up, I held her in a fetal position as her head laid right along my shoulder and my arm came across to hold her by her tiny little bottom. For more support, my opposite arm gracefully rested on her back as I began to hum above a whisper.

"That's right, I'm the best auntie in the world," chuckling to myself, I began to make my way out of the room as Regina crept out of the room with her robe on and her tired eyes staring up at me.

"G, go back to sleep, I got her, she's good," noticing how tired Gina was, you could see the stress on her and it was beating her down. I know she still loves Sean deep down, and who knows if their love is deeper than what I see? It may take time, but she needs to focus on her and her daughter.

After she sluggishly walked back into the room and closed the door, I took my time walking down the steps before swiftly making my way over to the bottle warmer. I swear they take forever to heat up, only a few more seconds. That didn't do any justice cause Miracle began to get cranky and irritated.

Having to rock her back and forth for a little bit, a bing sound came from the bottle warmer, and I carried Miracle mover to the warmer before using once hand to take the bottle out. Out taking the cap off and testing the temperature, baby girl was sucking on that plastic nipple in no time.

With Miracle positioned in my arms, I was still flexible enough to go sit down back at the coffee table and continue on my notes. It might have taken a bit more time to type, but I got the job done, and burped Miracle.


Having been on the job for a few hours, I been trying to fix these brakes on a Nissian Altima which is honestly annoying. I personally wouldn't recommend anyone to buy these vehicles, but mane, companies gotta make money.

"Ayo Dave, somebody here for yo ass nigga!" Yelling in a rude tone, I was ready to smack Ty upside his big ass head. This is a professional setting, treat it like one instead of yelling mane. They crazy as hell.

Once I got moved up from out of my seat and opened up the door to get out, my legs guided me towards the front entrance of the shop, no one but my bitter baby mama showed up. Ty stepped aside to give us some room before I grabbed a small magazine to hit him upside his head as he held it while walking round back.

Looking at her dead in the face, I gave her a look of disgust and annoyance. She truly got some nerve and I could only imagine what mess she gon pull out of her sleeve.

A small yet aggravated sign came from out of my breath, "Millie what do you want? WHy the hell you hea' ma? Yeen want shit from me and I don't know why.."

Before I could finish that sentence, she began to cut me off like she normally does.

"I just came to tell you that I'm going out of town for a few days so if our daughter decides to come visit me one of these days, let her know mama is gon be in Miami."

Carelessly, I rolled my eyes and her and shook my head. While clenching my jaw, I was overdue at the fact that she drove all this way to tell me some bullshit like that? Nah, something else is going on.

"Nah, what's really good? You the mother of my kid, tell me wassup my nigga, I got shit to do mane," I began to suck my teeth before folding my arms at her nonsense. My ass was ready to leave before she stopped me in my tracks.

"Darrien is coming after you. He said once he take care of business over "at the shop" which means yours, he's taking me to Miami where we'll get married and finish the trimester with this baby."

I began to shake my head at her, "You know what? Do you and let ole boy try me, he ain't see nothing. Now if you'll kindly excuse me, I got a job...I don't know if you know anything about that since you mop floors for free in your aunt's hair salon."

Walking away from her I went straight back to my job and continued to work. Never in a million years would I regret meeting Millie until this day. Better be lucky Kairi's birthday is tomorrow so she better come correct.


Just as I got home, all that my little princess could talk about was her birthday and all of the things she was excited for. Little did she know that her daddy got a few tricks up his sleeve.

"Daddy I want a pink pony! Can I have a pony? Oh, can she have rainbow hair? I wanna call her Skittles!" Thinking back made me wonder if I shouldn't have stopped to get her cotton candy at that carnival store.

Just as she finished up her homework, I remembered that Parker said she was going out with Gina, but should be back soon. That was an hour ago, but she never told me where she was going. Maybe to get stuff for Kairi.

Enjoying my time with my daughter has been marvelous, but I can only imagine what it'll be like as she gets older. No one said it was gonna be easy, I just pray to grant her the world and be the greatest father I can be.

Hey guys I know this chapter was kind of dull and Kairi's real birthday is today, but trust me the next chapter will be the "day of her birthday", so don't mind the delay. I'll post it tomorrow so y'all don't keep waiting. Anyways, how was your guys day? If you would like, I'll take any suggestions for this boom and tell me how I'm doing so far, I'd like to know. See ya in the next chapter!💞

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