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The Next Day

Since I wanted to move around today, I insisted on asking the doctors to do some form of stretches with me. Watching old TV shows and looking at the news gets boring plus I can't even get a little fresh air.

These damn pills ain't getting any better and I be DAMNED if they try to throw some more of those killer candies down my throat. Watching the nurses grab a wheel chair for me, my mind trailed on Parker and how she told me to be confident. It'll be extremely hard, but I'll try for the sake of her.

Gathering help from one nurse, she sat me down in the wheel chair before wheeling me out of the room I was once in. Looking around at my surroundings, other patients were in hospital beds and other nurses were having discussions with doctors.

I can only imagine what the patients go through being on this floor. I know we all ain't perfect, but under any circumstances, I do not wish for anyone to be in a hospital. The last time I was up in here was because when I was little, I had seizures.

The doctors of course had me take medication, but they eventually stopped for good and never came back. Thankfully, I'm in a decent position to not have one ever again. My main focus is to walk again and recoup with my family.

Seeing Parker and my mother the other day made me feel at peace. I hope that by the time I'm home, the two of them can get to know each other. I didn't really grow up with my father, but it didn't bother me too much.

Yes, I've made mistakes as a man, but I pray that Kairi doesn't go for someone like myself. One thing these niggas don't have is loyalty and respect to women. You can stay true to the game as long as you want, but you better recognize a real woman.

Playing games with these little strippers and girls who throw themselves at you is different. When you gotta work hard for a woman, it's a different feeling. You actually want her and want to try and build something. That's what I want with Parker.

Who knows..there might be a ring in our future with the royal wedding she deserves.

As far as my reality, I'm gonna heal and take all the time I need.

Going towards a medical van, the positioned me in the vehicle. I began so confused to where we were going until I remembered that Rankin Therapy is in a separate building.

Seeing a new nurse come inside the van with me, she sat beside me as I took in her features. She's nothing more than a mixed Latino with her curly hair up in a bun and her little burgundy scrubs. Looking at her name tag, her name was Staci King. By the look of her face, it was hard to tell her age.

She wasn't old, but she wasn't young.

"Do you know how long my injury will take? At least to recover?" looking at her, she turned her head slightly curving in her lips thinking. Her deep dimples revealed and I awaited a response.

She opened up her mouth to speak, "That all depends on you as a person. The more you're wiling to work to recover, the better. Try not to go in there with too much of a ROUGH attitude. You'll be fine," her head slowly turned away from me.

I hope she's right.


Once going through my new routine with Kairi, she was already at the school and on the side, I've been trying to come up with details for a case against Millie. Due to the fact that Dave has been assaulting Darrien, it'll be tough if she decides to bring that up in court. Question is, will she actually do it?

With my way inside the elevator, I pressed the button for the level I was on and watched as the door closed. Feeling the elevator rise with me inside it, my chest heaved up and down as I exhaled a deep breath.

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