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One Month Later..

"Babe can you please pass me my shoe?" Looking over at Parker wobbling over to the stairs, she wanted to go get ice cream with me and Kairi, but the way she's been acting lately, she's ready to eat the whole house down. It's like every single second she craves more and more food and I can't keep up. I mean come on, she's eight months and eating for two. On top of that, the doctor said she can give birth at this early stage, so I be on my tip toes getting ready for what may happen next. It seems like every day she's ready to bust.

"Parker, lemme put it on for you," grabbing the balenciagas to match with her orange dress and jean jacket, I made the shoe fit like a glove and she was looking real nice with her hair up in a pineapple. She wears make up more often now, but I don't see why, she's already naturally beautiful and I wouldn't change a thing about her.

Once I helped her up on her feet and grabbed the Lincoln keys, I called Kairi who was watching TV in the living room. Moments later, I heard the TV turn off and she walked towards the closet where her shoes were placed. Taking out a pair of Filas, she walked over to the steps with them to put them on, but honestly they was looking cute on her little feet. She had on an Adidas pants and a Fila sweatshirt to match.

Getting everyone out of the house and to the car, Parker whined about the ice cream shop cause she was in quite the hurry to go and get ice cream.  As we were all buckled in and ready to go, I started up the car and we were ready for takeoff. Backing up out of the driveway, I drove out of the neighborhood and onto the main road before finally speeding up.

"You look nice today," glancing over at me, Parker saw me in some regular jeans and a designer crew neck shirt. I mean, ain't nothing fancy, but if she think so, then so be it, no judgement.

As we pulled up to the spot, I put the car in park after pulling up to a parking space and hopped out to help both of the girls come from out of the vehicle. Kairi is big enough, but I still treat her like my lil baby. I told her not to fear and that when her brother and sister come, I'll love the three of them equally and not picking sides.

Walking up to the stand after locking the car door, I waited in line behind two elder people as I looked up at the menu.

"Babe they got your favorite cookie dough just the way you like," standing right from behind her and having my arms placed around her stomach, I could feel the twins kicking and being a little aggressive. As my eyes scanned through the menu options, I kinda wanted to get plain vanilla but looking down at Kairi, she might wanna get that cotton candy ice cream. Asking her if that's what she wanted, her little head nodded yes.

"I'll have the small butter pean ice cream instead in a cone," laying her head back on my shoulder, she planted a kiss on my cheek before moving up to the stand once I told her our order. Repeating it to the cashier correctly, I dug out my wallet to pay with cash and got my change back and the receipt.

"Let's eat in the car, it's fine," smiling lightly she gave me that look, but I wasn't having it. I don't see what's is wrong why we can't eat outside like regular folk. I just bought the car a few months ago.

"Baby if we each inside the car, nothing is gonna happen, I swear," she begged and plead, but I gave in and waited for the nice lady to give us our ice cream at the next window then everyone took their own cone before we walked back towards the car and sat inside to eat our ice cream.

"Daddy this is good!" Looking up in the mirror, I could see her sitting up and eating her ice cream in a cup. I had to be extremely careful when it comes to her cause one wrong move and I'm taking her ice cream away.

Looking over at Parker she was almost to the cone and was licking away at the cone, "You good?" As her head turned towards me, she laughed at me and clarified that she was perfectly fine. I know them kids in her stomach happy as hell that she gave them a little sweet treat.

Once all the ice cream was done and everyone was completely finished, Slime called us over to come hang and chill, but Parker wasn't up for it and I didn't wanna leave her. After pulling up to the house, we got out of the car and I helped Parker towards the door. Boy when I tell you as soon as she stepped foot into the house, I heard a loud scream come from her.

"My water broke Dave call an ambulance!" Going in panic mode, I was all sorts of nervous, but I couldn't just call them, the hospital was a good twenty minute drive. Holding onto her tightly, I told Kairi to go to the car and buckle up. After closing the door behind me, I carried Parker to the car bridal style as Kairi got out of the car to open up the passenger door and I placed Parker inside. Making sure she had her seat belt on, I closed her door before running back to my side of the door and started up the ignition with my key.


After they put Parker on a stretcher, they told me to wait patiently, so that gave me enough time to call everybody up to come to the hospital.

"Is mommy going to be okay?" Holding onto my leg, I looked down at Kairi and picked her up and had her on my side. I didn't know whether to be happy, scared or excited. A rush just came over me and I just wanna see my babies.

"Your bother and sister is coming today," smiling over at her, the doctors came to me minutes later just to inform me that I could come into the labor and delivery room, but I needed someone to watch Kairi for the time being.

"Dave!" Running over to me, Alex and Glizzy rushed towards me, but I quickly told them the situation. Thankfully they wanted to stand by and watch her. I told them that I would inform them as the babies come and let them know what's up.

Following the doctor, I had to get dressed into one of those uniforms and the little shower cap shit.


"Okay Parker, you're doing so well, now I need you to push a few more times," the doctor's orders made her worn out, but it also made my hand hurt like hell as I held it for moral support. As she kept pushing, I saw a head and slowly after a little wee wee came out and the nurse went to clean off my son after cutting the umbilical cord. I swear when they handed him over to us, I felt so complete to see my son but, I would be just as excited to see my daughter.

A few more pushes later, more like five minutes later, Our beautiful daughter came out and looking just as beautiful as always, looking just like me. Our son on the other hand has his mother's features and I wouldn't have it any other way. As the doctors gave us the two of them, I kissed the forehead of Parker as I placed my finger in my son's hand.

"Well, do think the names we picked out fit them?" As Parker looked up at me, I smiled softy at her.

"What? Dakota Elizabeth Brewster and Ramere David Brewster? I think we did as good job. As far as their looks, both of them look like us, so I can't complain," looking down at our kids, I felt so happy. This is the best thing a man could have in their life and they make you a better person.

Now my family is truly complete. A little while later, everyone came in and saw them and gave us congratulations, but I could tell Parker got tired. Once the doctors took the kids away to run tests, I brought Kairi to the separate room where they were to show them to her and she felt excited to be a big sister. At five pounds each, they were a blessing and I know in the future Ramere is gonna brag about him being the oldest by a few minutes.

Heading back to Parker's room, we kissed her goodnight and I told her that I would be back in the morning. One thing I can't wait is for when I have my family back home and we are reunited. To Dakota and Ramere, daddy loves the both of you and if you two don't have each other, just know your big sister gotchu.

Hey friends! It's ya girl's birthday and you know I had to share a present with ya'll. Now, I have some time to work on finishing the book cause I ain't doing much. I'm happy for the couple and they got their babies Ramere and Dakota. As far as the wedding song, I listened to all of them and I chose Why I Love You by Major. He sounds like John Legend a little bit. I think the song fits them so perfectly. No worries, I think you guys will like the ending of the book. Anyways, I love you guys and I hope you enjoy your day💕

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