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Sean's Funeral

It was an early morning and I knew that today would be devastating for all of us.This funeral would hurt Gina the most and it would be best if everyone stood by her side. With the towel wrapped around wet my body, I began to look in the mirror to think back on choices I've made in life. Today, Sean is getting buried and it makes me wonder what life could've been like if guys like him, Dave or even the rest of the guys truly got out of the game and went to college if they saved up all that hustle money, or even for the ones to go back and get their GED.

I know everyone wasn't blessed with a silver spoon, but do they ever wonder what it's like to get up and try something new for a change? Yes Dave started a mechanic shop so all of them could get jobs, but what about the rest of them? Have they ever wanted to try and branch out into something greater?

Suddenly, I heard a knock at my door and it slowly opened up to be Malcom, causing me to nearly jump and almost drop my towel.

"Malcom what the hell are you doing here?" spatting at him, I rushed over to the door to try and push him out as well as close the door, but he was trying to fight back for some odd reason.

"Hold up DAMN! Alex and I stopped by for the funeral and she told me to give this to you....well it was more so me than her. Calm yo crazy ass down man you doing too much," stopping me in my tracks, he handed me a bouquet of peach flowers and I slowly took it in my hands.

Looking down at them, I smiled a bit to myself before looking back up at him, "Why are you trying so hard? I told you no to a date," walking back to my walk in closet, I closed the door behind me to finish getting ready to put on my white lace dress after dropping the towel, applying lotion to my body, and putting on my underwear and bra.

I could feel his back up against the door, "I just want you to forgive me that's all and to make up for all my harsh words. I never realized how hard it would be for someone to say 'I forgive you' but I guess that's one thing I'll have to learn to accept about you. You're quite the challenge Parker. Oh, I wanted to apologize for coming in on you like that, but your body is beyond breathtaking."

Just moments later, I could hear my bedroom door open and close making me come out of my closet and notice the bedroom was completely empty. Shit, I should've told him to come zip me up before he walked out of the room. Rolling my eyes, I tried to hurry up and finish getting ready before taking my twist-outs and fluffing the curls out with my hair pick comb.


Once everyone was all gathered out the house, I rode in the car with Gina and the baby while everyone else followed behind us. Through all that's been going on these past weeks, it never truly occurred to me to ask my BEST friend how she truly felt now that the man she's been with for so long is now dead. When we went to the funeral home, she showed no emotion.

When she went off with Dave to go pick out the casket and suit, she still came back home with no emotion at all.

Focusing my eyes on the road, I made a right turn on the red light once the traffic was clear. As I landed onto another street, I glanced my eyes towards her before speaking up.

"Hey G, I know you going through something right now, so can you please tell me how you're feeling? Even if now isn't the time, at least tell me something." She's gotta be feeling something, for crying out loud she lost the man who loved her.

Silence came between us and it felt like a dark tunnel. She wore a long white dress that hand ruffles at the bottom and since it was sleeveless, a ruffle went across the top as well. In her blonde wig, she added a little white church hat and threw on some black shades and dark blue heels.

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