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The Next Day in the Evening


"Baby, that shit hurt mane, gahdamn," chuckling softly, I began to comb through his hair and did a fresh new set of braids in his head.

He was sitting in between my legs as I combed through his little nappy hairs and you could tell he was in pain.

"Well, you gon have to fight through this pain or we gon have to shave it all off. Your tough ass head broke three combs already, I'm praying that this one lasts," I began to slightly laugh as I continued to cornrow his head.

"You be buying them dollar tree combs that don't do shit for a nigga and you know that shit," he began to look down at his phone scrolling through his instagram.

"Boy please, you still be using their little durag for ya little bobbled up head, so look at who's talking."

"Mane whatever," he brushed me off as I continued to braid his hair once more.

As I began to finish up, we began to lay up on the couch as I helped him with equipment for the shop.

"Damn, this shit gon cost us a fortune, but you think we can be up and finally running within the next month?" looking up at me with his head laying on my breasts, I shrugged my shoulders.

"It all depends on the shipment of things and I know the guys will be willing to help, and you know I got your back babe."

"That's why I love ya ass, cause you stay holding a nigga down and I need me a little rider," a smile appeared from across my lips as I adjusted my leg in his lap.

Scanning some more, we soon heard Kairi walk out towards us. Rubbing her eyes, she looked as if she was having a bad dream so we cooed her. In her little Princess and the Frog pajama dress, it made her look so adorable.

"Hey princess, you good? What's wrong mamas? You can always talk to daddy," pulling her on top of him, Dave had up all packed in the couch like sardines."

"I-I can't sleep," she began to bundle up underneath her father's arms and to me, she was very timid.

She seemed to be hiding something from us that she didn't want us to know. The body language was very tense and I could sense she was afraid. I've dealt with children who come across hardship situations, which is why I love doing what I do. Us as adults tend to hide away our feelings, but it's not hard with children since they're so young.

"Why can't you sleep babes?" looking down, her small head shifted up at us as her golf ball eyes peered up in our faces.

"I get scared of mommy's friend," once I heard that, my thoughts went straight to Darrien.

He wouldn't hurt a little girl would he? I swear he's a sick asshole if were to lay a single hand on this poor child. Honestly, what are you gaining by doing such hurtful things to someone?

Dave rose up from off of me quickly before sitting her up in his lap.

"What does he do to make you have nightmares?" his eyes began to seem sincere while talking to his daughter and you could sense he was feeling upset.

Just the thought of Darrien triggers Dave.

Kairi began to stutter, "H-He..." she pause for a brief moment for what seemed like ten minutes.

"He yells at me when I play with my twoys and says I'll never be anything...he hit mommy and I couldn't stop cryin'...one day when we ate at the dinner tabwle, he spat in da food on my plate. Mommy doesn't read me bedtime stowries anymore which makes me all sad," her lips curved into a deep frown making me pull her in for a long hug.

"You don't have to worry anymore, you're gonna stay right here okay baby? I'll read you any story you'd like and we can even bake cookies, does that sound okay?"

Before I could get a response, Dave butt in.

"Has he EVER touched you in any way?" his jaw began to tighten.

Silence took over as Kairi looked down before she opened her mouth back up, "On my back, wheneber he got mad at mommy for coming home late. He said I wasn't his responsibiblty and I'm a mistake," Dave turned her around lifting up her shirt to seeing a medium sized bruise on her back.

Holding her close, he began to shed tears while anger grew stronger inside.

"You not going back over there okay? You staying with daddy and Parker...I'll be back princess, just gon take care of something," he began to wipe his tears with one hand while sniffing before taking her off of him and setting her down beside me in the couch.

"Kairi go to your room please, your daddy and I need to talk," her small head nodded at me as I watched her small little feet go towards the guest bedroom, then my eyes turned back at Dave.

With a black Hanes tank and some grey sweats, he walked over to the coat closet to put on his Timberland boots and a matching gray sweat jacket.

"D-Dave please don't go after him, baby I'm begging you please," worried as ever, I held onto his arm with burning tears streaming down my face, but he flinched away.

"And sit by while he abuses MY daughter too? Parker stay here with Kairi, I'll see you when I get back," his hand began to reach for the door knob.

I began to call after him," What if I don't?"

"Take her and go somewhere safe, far away from here...I love you," he walked back over to me and kissed my forehead before walking out on me.

"Is daddy gonna hurt him?" Kairi's small voice scared me as I shivered.

Walking over to her, I stooped to her level, resting a hand on her shoulder, "Daddy just needs to do what he feels is best, and I hope that with whatever choice he makes, I pray that it's not a mistake," pulling her in, I closed my eyes hoping for a miracle.

I wanted Dave to open that door back up and realize what a terrible decision he's making, but sadly he's not here.

God I just want things to be peaceful and calm, but right now I have Kairi to look after.

"C'mon, let's go lay down," pulling away from her, I got up and rose to my feet before she took a hold of my hand.

"Parker...can we lay in your bed?" her eyes looked up at me once more before I nodded and we walked towards my bedroom door.

Turning on the lights to my bedroom, she let go of my hand and ran towards my bed as her tiny little body fought the urge to get up on a king sized bed.

"Need some help?" I giggled as I walked towards her and helped her on top of the bed.

Once we laid comfortable on top of the bed, I turned the TV on and scroll through Netflix.


Watching through half of the Emoji Movie, I looked down to see Kairi cuddled up on me with her tiny fingers resting against my stomach as I laid on my side.

Kissing her forehead, I turned off the TV and stayed up thinking about Dave.

I just want him to be okay and don't get into any deeper trouble than what he's already going to get himself caught up in.

Unlocking my phone that was once on the nightstand, I went straight to my contacts to call the one person who may help me through this tough crisis.

After hearing the phone ring a couple times, I heard her pick up.

"Hello?" Naomi's voice softly spoke through the phone.

I think it's time to vent.

Hey y'all I'm EXTREMELY sorry for taking so long to update due to all these crazy exams being so early & no I don't have my results yet, but I'll keep you posted! I wanted to leave the next chapter as a continuation of Naomi's conversation with Parker and how Dave will react when he goes to confront Darrien. Anyways...I apologize again and I won't ever delay again unless it's necessary. If you will, always check my message board for anything about updates on this book, and I got a question for those who read my imagine book with Chris Brown, should I continue with it? That's all for now til next time ❤️

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