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Waking up to loud cries in the middle of the night had me already exhausted and tired. I wanted to get up, but Dave stopped me and got up to see which one of them were crying. It has already been three months since I've been home, but it has some ups and downs. I guess that's what happens when you become a parent. One thing I like is that when one of them cries, it doesn't wake up the other one.

Sitting up in bed, I moved the covers off of me and went to the bathroom to wash my face with some cold water and rinse my mouth out with that same water as Dave went to their rooms. We wanted to make the room a neutral color, so we painted it grey and decorated both halves of their room differently.

For Ramere's side, it had stuff having to do with space like NASA, super heroes, and stuff having to do with fast cars. As far as Dakota's side of the room, I decorated it with princess stuff and made it look as girly as possible, but something tells me as she gets older, she just might be a really bright individual. When it comes to Ramere, he might be artistic. Just a random thought, I'm probably just tired.

As I came out of the bathroom, it was no one other than Dakota who was doing all the crying. I could see the dried up tears on her face.

"I checked her diaper and everything was fine, gave her Mr. Cuddles the bear and the crying continued, but as soon as she sees your face, she stops," laughing lightly, took her away from Dave and rocked her back and forth before kissing her cheek multiple times. My little peanut wanted to see her mommy that's all.

Sitting on the bed with her, I smiled and made funny faces which made her smile back as well. Turning towards her father, she stared at him with her big brown eyes. When he held out his hand, she took his finger and started swinging it and laughing with her gums sticking out. I swear she's iffy when it comes to her dad, some days she likes him other days she doesn't. As far as Ramere, he loves the both of us.

When they're around Kairi, they just wanna play with her, but that can't work all the time. Breast feeding isn't much of an issue neither is putting them to sleep. One thing I can say is that Ramere puts his hands in his mouth after touching something, which we're trying to fix. Dakota on the other hand wants to eat and drink every little thing the grown folks eat. Izzy had a beer the other day and she was trying to reach for it when he wasn't looking.

Rocking Dakota for a little while longer, she slowly went to sleep, so I put her in what I like to call the "Emergency crib." Whenever one of them cries and isn't feeling too good, I wait for them to feel better then go to sleep. After they're at peace, I put them in the extra crib we have in the bedroom. One of my coworkers bought us a bite crib, but I made use of it for the time being and it can transform into a bed later on down the road just like the other cribs.

"Finally, we can get some rest." Pulling the covers over him, Dave turned his body before going to sleep. Turning off the light, I went over to the wall and turn on the night light by the crib before moving to the bed and getting in the bed and put the covers over my body..


As the morning sun appeared through the window, I knew told was going to be brittle and very cold, so I didn't even wanna bother going outside.

"I can stay home if you want me to," looking up from his chest, Dave looked down at me before I sighed. Marshall gave me time to stay home with the babies, but now Dave wants to stay at home more than often. I'll let this time slide but next time, I want him at work. Nodding my head, he got up and checked on Dakota who was still asleep at 7:30 in the morning. Seeing him stretch, Dave went into the bathroom to handle his business.

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