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It's been hours since Dave hasn't come back home and once the guests left, Mama Faye and Gina helped me clean up. Once everything was done with and put away, Gina excused herself to check up on Miracle. I rung out the wet sponge from washing dishes and sighed.

"Don't stress it, she deserved it. Men are ridiculous and we will never know why. As far as I'm concerned, it wouldn't be healthy for you two to not speak because it is unhealthy, but he was out of line. You've done more than enough for him and for Dave to defend Millie is unbelievable. You're one of the good ones and it'd be a shame if he decides to let you go."

Mama Faye was right and Lord knows what's gotten into Dave. I just pray to God himself that we don't end up starting another argument.

"Well I'm gonna head out now and tell Gina I said bye," I walked her towards the door and gave her a warming hug.

"Thank you for all your help Mama Faye, I appreciated it a lot," I smiled once she pulled away form me and she rubbed my shoulder.

"You're welcome baby," since it was going to be dark I turned the porch lights on so she could see to walk to her car. Once she got in her car and started it up, I closed the door leaving the lights on for Dave.

Making my way upstairs with some of the lights still on, I checked Kairi's room to notice that she was fast asleep. Gina put her to bed and now she's up trying to put Miracle to bed.

"You need to definitely need to catch some sleep after what went down with you, Dave and Millie," rocking Miracle in a chair, I looked down as a tear fell down my cheek.

"D-Did I do anything wrong Gina?" Feeling my body tremble, I lifted my hand to see that it was shaking making Gina quickly, but carefully put Miracle in her crib and rush over to me holding my hands.

"Hey, you did nothing wrong but stand up for yourself boo. If anything, Dave should've taken up for you. That little girl in there looks up to you more than her own mother. You said it yourself, she called you mom. If I were you, I'd try to talk things out."

The tears began to rush down further as I couldn't bare it, "That's the thing G, I've always been the one to talk things out. He cheated on me accused me of cheating and I've done so much for Dave. I'm not saying I'm always perfect, but I would never hurt him."

"So what are you saying? You wanna call it quits?" She looked at me with all seriousness.

If anything, I could never be the old me that gives men too many chances to make me feel small.

"Look for hotel prices please.." Walking out of the room I went into the master bedroom and took out a suitcase to set on the bed.

My blood was rushing with disappointment and pain. Why am I doing this? I thought I loved Dave. Am I making the right decision here? I shook off the feeling and began to throw clothes into the suitcase not even thinking twice.

"You really wanna do this?" I turned to hear his voice and see him standing by the door.

He began to walk over to me seeing some clothes in the suitcase picking up a shirt and placing it back in it's rightful place.

"Look me in my eyes and tell me that this is what you want mane cause if you wanna leave, I ain't gon stop you."

"What's gotten into you Dave? It's like a switch went off as soon as she came through that door and now you act as if I don't exist. I have done ore than enough for you and surprisingly, you haven't done the same."

"Darrien coming for my ass that's all, aye look I ain't mean what I said earlier."
Right then I gave him a slap to the face. How dare he try some shit like that? Words are nothing but pain and gon tell me you ain't mean it?

Love Me Naked|Dave EastWhere stories live. Discover now