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"Ms. Hardware, you have a call on line one," Amanda came in knocking on my door. I finally have a job where I am in fact the boss and it makes me feel good. I did co-partner with Marshall and we run a business together doing what we always did with our patients. This time around we've not only been able to pair back up with the old companies she used to work with, but we work with shelters and other human societies to help those get back in the swing of being in the real world and other forms of training.

Of course, our staff does check-ins with their clients after they go through the training program and get back on their feet. Now, I still do my regular job, but most days it's always meetings about this or that. Sometimes it's having to have luncheons with companies and raise awareness about who we are as a company.

Marshall came up with the company name calling it Lumbar Psychological and Therapeutic Services. Lumbar comes from supporting the upper body's weight, so we want our patients to know that they are not only in a safe area, but when times become difficult, we can be the back support and carry them through the hard journey.

None of this could be possible if it wasn't for Marshall and nearly all of my savings, but for what it's worth, we are getting our money back and them some. I made a core plan within a couple months, used Marshall's help and advice to help me run it, and now we're doing the DAMN thing. Not once did I have to stretch my hand for Malcom or anyone else and it felt good.

"Thank you Amber," smiling as she makes her way out of my office, I simply picked up the phone once it began ringing and to my surprise, it was Regina calling me. I haven't heard from her in a long ass time and now she decides to call? I wonder why?

"H-Hello...Parker are you there?" I could hear the shakiness in her voice and she seemed very tense and afraid. For whatever reason, I'm not sure, but something tells me it can't be good.

"Regina? Hey, are you okay? What's going on with you?" Holding the phone closer in my ear, I tried to take in everything she was say, plus I didn't want anybody to be nosy.

"Can you meet me by Tony's Grocery Store please? I need help and I'm s-scared.." Bro I'm at work sis, what's the matter? I ain't trynna leave plus you broke our friendship when you started moving different, so should I really go?

Sighing as my mind was telling me one thing and my heart saying another, I took it upon myself and got up to actually go find her. Hearing her in this state shows that something was really wrong and I needed to find out what.

Grabbing my purse and my phone, I had alerted Amanda to tell her I'd be out for a quick second, but I'd be DAMNED if Regina makes me come out there making me look like a damn fool. Time is money and I'd be damn to loose one second.



As I say there alone in a cold and utterly jail cell, I honestly wanted to stay to myself in this bitch. I've done time and I see how it's done me before and others around me, so I'm just gon try to get myself in isolation the right way so I can come out of here on good behavior.

I'm glad to be sharing my cell with my homie Slicer cause I ain't got no time to be dealing with these pussy ass niggas that wanna start shit knowing damn well they've only been in here for a couple months to a few years.

Whatever time they should give me should only be for Mug cause that's the only nigga I physically killed. Other than that, I'm not guilty, but you know these judges don't give a damn about my ass. Especially since I'm black. The more prisoners for them the better because they'll just get government money to build an even bigger prison with barely enough upgrades.

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